Showing posts with label Lowering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lowering. Show all posts

Monday, December 27, 2010

Lowering Cholesterol Level Naturally - Our View On Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

Standard prescription drugs used today to control the cholesterol level in your bloodstream are pretty recent compared to herbs and other natural products that have been around a lot longer.

These herbs and natural products are usually derived from plants, trees and other sources. But, remember that you really have to be careful about what chemicals are contained in those herbal drugs because most of these have not been regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Some herbal drugs, especially those manufactured in foreign countries have a certain statin drug inserted in the prescription but not listed in the ingredients section.

Because it might interfere with other medication or with your metabolism (if you have any specific problems) it is better if you consult at first your health care practitioner before you start any type of herbal drug. But still, there are many that actually list all the ingredients with the correct percentage and everything. Some natural-based products don't use the statin drug at all so the risk of impotency, damaged livers, and muscle aches are at minimum. You need to choose a supplement that can confirm its ingredients that are stated on the label - This is known as a certificate of analysis which will confirm the ingredients and the potency of them. Stay away from companies that do not provide this.

As an alternative to treating high cholesterol are many natural products. This can actually turn out to be optimal for patients who combine diet and exercise in their cholesterol lowering plan. Cholesterol level is reduced by natural products simply by dissolving fat in your bloodstream.

Types of effective natural products

Through research, the following list of natural products has been noted to reduce cholesterol level. Many of these drugs are not considered legitimate cholesterol-lowering agents even though natural products are regulated by the FDA. Before beginning any of the above, consult with your health care practitioner.

B Vitamins - besides niacin, prevents the damage of the LDL through oxidation

Carnitine - decreases cholesterol levels by increasing HDL levels

Chromium - increases HDL levels, and reduces LDL levels

Coenzyme Q10 - reduces total cholesterol serum levels

Fiber - can be obtained through fiber supplements or through foods such as whole grains and vegetables. It prevents cholesterol absorption into the bloodstream by binding the cholesterol in the small intestine

Garlic - has many cholesterol-lowering properties

Grape Seed Extract - totally reduces cholesterol serum levels

Pantothine - decreases total cholesterol levels by increasing HDL levels

Red yeast rice - Natural product not regulated by FDA - dosage varies from pill to pill

Vitamin C - slightly reduces cholesterol levels

Jean Helmet is a content editor who focuses on a wide array of niche health topics. Her latest website - Natural Cholesterol Supplement focuses on cholesterol as a whole, and in partcular, a natural product our editors personally use with excellent health results known as - Cholest-Natural

Lowering Cholesterol Count - Proven Treatments For High Cholesterol

If you are among the thousands of Americans each day who learn that they have high cholesterol, then undoubtedly your doctor has made you aware of the importance of lowering cholesterol count and supporting healthy cholesterol levels.

Most likely he has recommended statin medication to make this happen. I am always amazed by how little doctors tell their patients about the best natural ways to lower high cholesterol. Yes, it is true that it is not as easy as just taking a pill, but natural cholesterol reduction is much healthier, safer and just as effective.

Does it surprise you when you hear that taking a natural approach to reducing high cholesterol levels is just as effective as medication? It surprised me too when I first learned that a diet to lower cholesterol has been shown to bring down cholesterol levels effectively.

But when it comes right down to it, this should not be surprising. The foods that lower cholesterol are the same foods that have been a part of healthy diets for centuries. You see, the most effective foods to lower cholesterol count include vegetables, whole grains and nuts.

All of these foods contain high amounts of fiber and plant sterols. The combination of fiber and sterols actually attacks cholesterol in two ways.

Sterols are very similar in molecular composition to cholesterol and are thus able to block the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream. Fiber on the other hand, actually eliminates cholesterol from the body before it has a chance to be absorbed.

I encourage you to fight the urge to treat your high cholesterol by taking a pill. Instead, the natural approach discussed here has side effects that include increased energy levels, and improved immune system and better overall health.

On my website I discuss effective natural ways to lower cholesterol. By visiting it, you will learn about foods and diets that have been proven effective to support healthy cholesterol readings.

Van Crawford has been studying health and nutrition for over 10 years as he has researched ways to lower his own cholesterol levels. Visit his website now for more information on powerful ways to improve your health and lower your cholesterol: Lowering Cholesterol

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Red Yeast Rice - Cholesterol Lowering Supplement

In recent months, red yeast rice has received a lot of attention from the medical community because there is hope that it may be a great alternative to prescription cholesterol medication. I will attempt to offer some background about the substance, what it is, and finally how it can help you.

What is Red Yeast Rice?

By reading the name you can understand fully that it is a rice that is covered in a red fungus. Like the yeast you use to make bread rise or to make beer, it naturally occurs in nature with rice. As spelled out for you in the name, it is a red substance that coats some kinds of rice. In China, medical experts have found ancient writings about this miracle substance that recounted its amazing effects in improving stomach problems, improved the circulatory system, and spline function.

This news of this amazing substance has been taken very seriously because it can be an alternative to prescription cholesterol drugs. Many people know that these types of drugs carry with them the risk for extremely severe muscle conditions that lead to death.

What are the benefits?

Studies at the University of Pennsylvania concluded that the substance successful reduced the levels of bad cholesterol (or ldl) in the blood. The blind study was conducted by offering half of the group 2 tablets of 600 mg red yeast rice to one group and placebo (sugar pills) tot eh other group with instructions for improving diet, exercise, and relaxation.

Statistically, the study proved that the group who received red yeast rice showed reduced levels of bad cholesterol. The group saw no decrease in good cholesterol or important blood enzymes (as is common with cholesterol drugs) The study proved that this amazing substance can definitely improve cholesterol numbers and help people who are unable to take prescription drugs.

How Does Red Yeast Rice Work?

Red yeast rice is a product of fermentation by monascus purpureus a kind of fungus that grows on rice. The fermentation process creates a substance called lovastatin. This substance is exactly the same as in the drugs that conventional medicine offers to patients. Even more amazing is that it works without the side effects or the high price of those other drugs.

Lovastatin works by preventing the liver from producing more cholesterol to send to the rest of your body. There is debate as to whether or not red yeast rice is a drug or a supplement because of this naturally occurring substance, lovastatin.

Where Do I Find It?

There are many supplements that contain red yeast rice. Unfortunately, not all of them are effective. Some do not actually contain the much needed lovastatin. If the supplement version does not contain this ingredient it is almost completely worthless.

Dozens of supplements with red yeast rice have been reviewed and the top 3 have been displayed:

The characteristics of these 3 supplements that make them the best are their ability to reduce cholesterol, their price, and their overall customer feedback level.

To learn more about red yeast rice cholesterol supplements read our reviews.

You too can finally have lower cholesterol. I hope this article inspired you to take action today so you don't have to suffer the consequences of high cholesterol tomorrow.

Lowering LDL Cholesterol the Natural Way

Let's start with the obvious.


If you start out with a healthy diet, which consists mostly of lean protein sources, vegetables that grow above the ground, and fruit, that will help. In addition to a basically healthy diet, to control cholesterol most experts counsel avoiding eating red meat and animal fat in general. For example, if you eat the breast of birds such as chickens and turkeys instead of the legs and thighs, you will eat less animal fat. You can also avoid animal fat by not eating the skin.

Now, if your cholesterol problems are diet based, eating a healthy diet will probably solve the problem. If not, then you might need to look into some sort of supplement to help you control your cholesterol levels.

I assume if you're reading this article, you've already ruled out statin drugs because they are carcinogenic and often have side effects such as muscle pain and weakness, nausea, insomnia, fatigue, slurred speech, balance problems, memory loss, liver problems, sexual dysfunction, personality changes and irritability.

Fortunately, there are less destructive and expensive alternatives available.


Niacin has been known to lower cholesterol since the 1950s. Of particular interest is a comparative study between Lovastatin (a popular statin drug) and Niacin. 136 patients with high cholesterol were randomly assigned either Lovastatin or Niacin over a 26 week period. Although the Lovastatin initial lowered LDL cholesterol more quickly than the Niacin, by the end of the study, there was not a whole lot of difference, with Lovastatin lowering LDL by 32% and Niacin lowering LDL by 23%.

But where Niacin really shines is in increasing HDL (the good cholesterol) and lowering Lp(a), a lipoprotein which is highly predictive of heart disease. By the end of the study, Niacin had increased HDL by 33% and lowered Lp(a) by 35%, compared to 7% and 0% for Lovastatin, respectively.

However, there are some problems with Niacin. It causes unpleasant flushing and can impair blood sugar control in diabetics. Worse, if using sustained-release Niacin, almost half of users develop liver toxicity, although it should be noted that if using regular Niacin, there is little danger of liver toxicity.

Fortunately, there is a form of niacin called inositol hexaniacinate, which has been used in Europe for many years to control cholesterol levels.


Inositol hexaniacinate's side effects are minimal and it works even better than regular niacin, according to a study comparing the effect of niacin and inositol hexaniacinate on hyperlipidemic Buscat rabbits (The role of nicotinic acid and inositol hexaniacinate as anticholesterolemic and antilipemic agents. Nutr Reports Int 1983;28:899-911). The inositol hexaniacinate caused a 79.5 % reduction in cholesterol while niacin caused a 74.9% reduction. Better yet, inositol hexaniacinate caused a 63.2% triglyceride reduction, compared to a 30.9% reduction for regular niacin.

This same correlation was found by Welsh and Ede (Inositol hexanicotinate for improved nicotinic acid therapy, Int Record Med 1961;174:9-15).

If you plan to take inositol hexaniacinate to lower your cholesterol, experts recommend that you start out with 500 mg, 3 times a day with meals for 2 weeks. If you tolerate that okay, they suggest upping the dosage to 1000 mg, 3 times a day with meals. Although inositol hexaniacinate appears to have little in the way of side effects, it might still be prudent to have your doctor test your cholesterol levels and liver enzymes with a frequency of every 3 months, at the very least.

Like regular niacin, inositol hexaniacinate is not recommended for use by diabetics, because it can interfere with blood sugar metabolism.

Given inositol hexaniacinate's effectiveness, that's probably a good choice to try first. However, if you cannot tolerate inositol hexaniacinate, there are more options you can try.


Pantethine, a stable form of vitamin B5, inhibits the production of cholesterol by the liver. In a one-year clinical trial conducted with 24 patients, pantethine was shown to decrease LDL (the bad cholesterol) by 21% and increase HDL (the good cholesterol) by 23%, with virtually no toxicity (Effectiveness of long-term treatment with pantethine in patients with dyslipidemia, Clin Ther. 1986;8(5):537-45).

The dosage of pantethine usually recommended for cholesterol management by experts is 300 mg, 3 times a day.


It has been shown that the higher the level of vitamin C in the blood, the lower the total cholesterol count and the higher the HDL (the good cholesterol) is (High plasma vitamin C associated with high plasma HDL- and HDL2 cholesterol, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol 60, 100-105).

In particular, for every increase of .5 mg/dl in vitamin C plasma content, there was a corresponding increase in HDL of 2.1 mg/dl in men and 14.9 mg/dl in women.

Many experts recommend taking 2000 mg of vitamin C a day as general nutritional insurance. That should be plenty for cholesterol control purposes as well.


Believe it or not, garlic has a substantial effect on cholesterol levels, but you would need between 1 to 4 cloves of fresh garlic a day to achieve a significant therapeutic result. Fortunately, the compounds in garlic responsible for its therapeutic benefit can be isolated in pill form.

However, in order to be effective, the supplement must supply the equivalent of 4,000 mg of fresh garlic, not aged garlic. Aged garlic has been proven not to be as effective (A double-blind crossover study in moderately hypercholesterolemic men that compared the effect of aged garlic extract and placebo administration on blood lipids, Am J Clin Nutr. 1996 Dec;64(6):866-70).

On the other hand, a study done at the Clinical Research Center in New Orleans, Louisiana showed that treatment with standardized fresh garlic of 900 mg a day resulted in a drop of 11% in LDL (the bad cholesterol) (Can garlic reduce levels of serum lipids? A controlled clinical study, Am J Med. 1993 Jun;94(6):632-5).

So, if you wanted similar results, you could either take 900 mg a day of a standardized fresh garlic supplement or 1 to 4 cloves or fresh garlic a day.


Gugulipid is extracted from the mukul myrrh tree, which is native to India. It appears to get it's cholesterol lowering effects from increasing the liver's metabolism of LDL (the bad cholesterol).

In a double blind study of 125 patients comparing the effect of gugulipid with the cholesterol lowering drug clofibrate over a period of 12 weeks, the gugulipid group lowered their LDL (the bad cholesterol) by 11% and the clofibrate group by 10% (Clinical trials with gugulipid. A new hypolipidaemic agent, J Assoc Physicians India. 1989 May;37(5):323-8). While HDL (the good cholesterol) was unchanged in the clofibrate group, the gugulipid group typically increased HDL levels by between 16%-20%.

With purified gugulipid preparations, there are no significant side effects. Experts recommend a standardized extract of gugulipid containing 25 mg of guggulsterone per 500 mg tablet, 3 times a day for elevated cholesterol.

Michael Kydonieus is an anti-aging expert and author of "Why Can't I Lose Weight? The Metabolic Syndrome Diet." For more free articles about anti-aging strategies, see

Lowering Cholesterol Through Smart Food Choices

For the last several years scientists have been comparing natural cholesterol lowering foods that contain sterols with pharmaceutical counterparts--statins. The results have repeatedly shown that, in over 140 different studies, including certain cholesterol lowering foods will give you as good a chance of lowering your cholesterol as pharmaceutical statins.

Statins, including Lipitor, Zocor and Crestor, work by inhibiting an enzyme along the pathway of cholesterol synthesis. The disruption of the pathway prohibits cholesterol from forming, resulting in less cholesterol in the bloodstream. Some studies show statins may also help the body reabsorb cholesterol plaques that have formed on artery walls.

In comparison, plant sterols and stenols (also called phytosterols) are plant extracts that work in a similar fashion, but naturally. Phytosterols work by blocking the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. This has the effect of lowering bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) but not negatively affecting good cholesterol (HDL) levels. Plant sterols/stenols are found in vegetables, nuts, grains and fruit. It is recommended that those wishing to lower cholesterol levels consume at least 0.8 grams of phytosterols daily. There are some simple changes you can make in your diet to incorporate cholesterol-lowering foods.

A simple morning routine: Add oats and oat bran to your diet. Eating natural oats for breakfast is a great way to get sufficient fiber intake as well as adding natural cholesterol lowering foods to your diet. Stay away from sugar packed boxed versions and stick to natural slow or fast cooking oats. Add fresh fruit and nuts to amp up the heartiness and nutritional value. Use ground oatmeal in soups, stews and as a substitute for flour. The American Dietetic Association suggests swapping one-third of the flour in recipes with quick or old-fashioned oats.

Snack on nuts all day: Almonds are a great source of monounsaturated fats, as well as the additional benefits of having fiber, protein and antioxidant qualities. One study involving the effects of almond consumption and cholesterol showed a decrease of bad LDL cholesterol by 4.4% after three months of eating a handful of almonds and a marked decrease of 9.4% when two handfuls were consumed daily. Walnuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are responsible for lowering triglycerides in the bloodstream. Most nuts are high in calories, so if you're watching your weight, consider eating no more than 2-3 servings of nuts daily.

Consuming dark, leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and even avocados can also aid in lowering cholesterol. Omega 3s have been associated with slowing plaque build-up in arteries. Some foods high in omega-3s are fatty fishes such as tuna and salmon are are efficient at lowering bad cholesterol.

Many companies are adding phytosterols to their products to make them healthier. Mars, Inc. has produced a chocolate bar that has added sterols and maintains the antioxidant qualities of the dark chocolate. This tasty fortified chocolate bar is called CocoaVia. Another company, Promise Activ Supershots contains 2 grams of plant sterol per 3oz drink.

In order to get the most benefit from phytosterols, make sure to eat a balanced diet. One that is high in leafy greens, nuts, grains and oats and fruits. Get plenty of exercise on a regular basis, and consider including a phytosterol supplement either in the pill, chocolate or juice/yogurt formula.

Top SEVEN FAVORITE Cholesterol Reducers:

1. Oatmeal: Slow or Fast cooking. Add fruit and nuts as desired

2. Blueberries: High in sterols, tasty and easy to snack on

3. Nuts: Alternate between favorites of almonds, walnuts and pistachios

4. Avocado, Flaxseed and Olive Oils: High in good HDL cholesterol

5. Yogurt with active live cultures and added Sterols

6. Pomegranate and Cranberry Juices (100% juices only) tasty and raises good HDL naturally

7. Salmon and Tuna: High in Omegas, great at reducing LDL's

For more information on how a health and wellness coach can help you make positive, life-enhancing changes, visit

An Effective Lowering Cholesterol Diet - What You Should Look For?

Finding a truly effective lowering cholesterol diet is something that requires focus and effort. You cannot just wake up one morning and decide that you're going to lower your cholesterol levels. You must have a plan.

The place to begin is with an understanding of what caused your high cholesterol in the first place and what it will take to reverse it. Many people do have a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol. This is something you will want to discuss with your doctor. However, that is not to say that medication is the only way to bring your readings back down to an acceptable range.

Whether you have a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol or not, a natural approach will leave you feeling healthier and having much more energy than simply taking some pills. The vast majority of individuals can substantially lower their cholesterol levels with a lowering cholesterol diet.

The primary cause of high cholesterol in America is the raising cholesterol diet that most of us eat. A diet that is rich in saturated fats and low in soluble fiber will cause anyone's cholesterol readings to increase little by little so that after many years we find ourselves facing this problem.

There are two primary qualities of a lowering cholesterol diet: 1) high-fiber content, and 2) low saturated fat content.

High-Fiber Diet

You can find many sample diets for lowering cholesterol on the Internet. Just make sure they emphasize high fiber content. The most tried-and-true method of lowering cholesterol is through consuming increased amounts of fiber. Fiber actually accomplishes two things in the body. It stimulates the liver into absorbing more cholesterol and cholesterol attaches itself to fiber so that it is eliminated from the body.

The best sources of fiber that you will find are vegetables, whole grains and nuts. This type of diet when combined with cholesterol lowering supplements that contain plant sterols are the most efficient way of bringing down those stubborn triglycerides and cholesterol levels.

Low-Fat Diet

The lowering cholesterol diet that you choose also needs to be low in saturated fats. However, don't make the mistake of cutting out all fats. Fats are essential to mental and physical health. Eliminate as much red meat, cheeses and other high-fat dairy products as possible.

The types of fats you want to include in a low-fat diet comes from high-fiber sources such as nuts. While not high in fiber, fish and fish oil supplements are very helpful, especially where triglycerides are concerned. Try to use olive oil for cooking as much as possible.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Diet to Lower Cholesterol Level - Proven Cholesterol Lowering Techniques For You to Use

Most people don't realize that a diet to lower cholesterol level has been shown to be more effective than cholesterol medication for most individuals. The problem is that our doctors are the primary source of information regarding our health.

If you have high cholesterol, most likely you first heard about it from your doctor's office and there's a good chance that he suggested statin drugs as your best option. I am shocked by how little specific dietary guidance medical professionals provide their patients for reducing high cholesterol.

It has been proven in clinical studies and through the experience of thousands of individuals that a cholesterol lowering diet can provide just as good and sometimes better results than what most individuals obtained through the use of medication. And when you consider the fact that lowering high cholesterol through diet increases your health and longevity, while statin medication can severely damage your health, it makes most sense to leave these medications as a last resort.

If you're really serious about lowering high cholesterol then you will need to cut back on the amounts of saturated fat in your diet. It is best to completely eliminate high-fat foods such as beef and pork. Saturated fat actually increases LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides much quicker than foods that are high in cholesterol.

However, your diet to lower cholesterol level will not be effective unless it contains many cholesterol lowering foods which include most vegetables, fruit and nuts. All these foods (yes, nuts included) are cholesterol fighting foods that also provided additional energy and improve your overall health immensely.

Unfortunately, taking a pill to lower your cholesterol is easier, but this type of cholesterol lowering diet will provide benefits for you for the years to come. I invite you to visit my website where I discuss your many different options for reducing high cholesterol levels without resorting to medication.

Natural Cholesterol Lowering Remedies - You Really Are What You Eat

The good news is that natural cholesterol lowering remedies are free. The bad news is that they can also be difficult to implement. This is because fairly radical lifestyle changes are involved that none of us find easy to achieve.

Forget about the story the pharmaceutical companies are trying to sell you. Bad cholesterol is not caused by a lack of some chemical in your body. It is caused by lifestyle choices such as eating too much of the wrong foods. Or, not exercising sensibly. An intelligent person such as yourself knows that to be true. As they say, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Right? No amount of chemicals will fix the problem unless you attend to these issues as well.

Come on now, lets be honest with each other. You just had the thought run through your mind; here we go again, he's going to tell me I have to start eating all those no flavor cardboard foods. Well, not so fast my friend.

Changing your diet doesn't mean that you have to give up on your favorite foods. You just have to change the proportion that they make up of your total food intake, and pay attention to how they are prepared. This can save you money as well as, wait for it; actually improve their flavors. Yes it's true, you might find that you enjoy them even more.

Next time you feel like having a few fatty lamb chops fried in their own drippings, and of course, we got to have a big old pile of french frys on the side, think again. That's about the worst meal you can have, but it doesn't mean you have to starve.

How about we cut the fat off of one chop, grill it on a wire rack so the fat drains off, and serve it with mashed potato and a green salad. Now that wasn't to bad was it? You'll even find the true flavors come through better. You also won't have heartburn or a bad night to follow.

OK, now for the exercising part. No, you don't have to run the the gym every day. My how we jump to conclusions. How about after your healthy meal, you did make it healthy didn't you, don't just lay around on the couch with the remote. Instead take the dog or just yourself for a gentle walk around the neighborhood. Enjoy feeling your food and emotions settle into an easy going mode. Admit to yourself that a lifestyle change is not unpleasant and not impossible either.

Above everything else, make sure you enjoy your new lifestyle. If you find yourself not looking forward to the natural cholesterol lowering remedies you are following, think again. What's the alternative, living on chemical pills the rest of your life? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that's not for you, you wouldn't be reading this article if it was. Anyway didn't your doctor tell you, even if those drugs do lower your cholesterol, if you ever stop taking them it will go right back up again. You deserve better.

Don't just eat things because they are good for you. Eat them because you also like them. The same applies to exercise. Do it because you enjoy doing it. There are enough exercise routines around to ensure something to suit everyone.

While there may not be a boat-load of Natural Cholesterol Lowering Remedies, there are many more than you may realize. Why not give yourself a chance at a chemical free life.

American Heart Association Cholesterol Lowering Information For Women

According to the American Heart Association, estrogen, the female sex hormone, has the tendency to raise high-density lipoprotein (hdl) or good cholesterol. Naturally then, women have higher hdl than men. Isn't this wonderful news to all the women out there?

Studies show that the production of estrogen is highest during the childbearing years. This means that a woman's hdl level during this period of time is at its peak.. That is why women are less likely to develop heart disease before they reach menopausal age.

However, that does not mean that women should be complacent and not watch their health and diet before their menopause. After all, according to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death for women in the US.

The American Heart Association mentioned that postmenopausal hormone therapy (PHT) may benefit some women with osteoporosis. However, trials have shown that it does not reduce nor eliminate the possibility of stroke and heart problems. Also, women with a personal or family history of breast cancer are advised not to go for PHT.

It is suggested that women go for their first cholesterol screening at the age of 20. A test may also be done at a younger age for those who start taking birth control pills before turning 20. If the test shows that they have high cholesterol levels, they should go for a test every year until their cholesterol levels become normal. After that, women are generally recommended to have their tests taken at intervals of five years.

Cholesterol levels of women are measured the same way as that for men. A lipid profile is taken. This is a series of simple blood tests that show the distribution, types, and amount of various lipids (fats) found in the bloodstream. These lipids include cholesterol and triglycerides.

Lipoproteins are the ones that carry cholesterol in the blood. The two kinds of lipoproteins are the high-density lipoproteins (hdl) or good cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins (ldl or bad cholesterol).

Hdl is considered good because it eliminates excess cholesterol from the blood as well as from the arterial walls. Excess cholesterol causes plaque build-up in the arteries which may eventually lead to a stroke or a heart attack. Ldl is considered bad because it sticks to the arterial walls and contributes to the plaque.

The American Heart Association recommends ldl cholesterol lowering drug for most women with heart disease. Other than that she must get adequate exercise, eat balanced and wholesome meals and not smoke.

However cholesterol supplements are much better than prescription drugs because they have less side effects compared to statin.

Moreover there is a wide range of cholesterol supplements. There is even a natural lowering cholesterol product called Bios Life that combines all four of the known approaches to lowering harmful cholesterol as follows:

1. Blocks cholesterol from being re-absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract

2. Prevents cholesterol which comes from the food from being absorbed

3. Reduces the cholesterol produced by the liver

4. Enhances enzymatic breakdown and removal of bad cholesterol.

Do you know anyone who might like to know about a product like that?

The Secrets of a Cholesterol Lowering Diet

It's a scientific finding that people who lived about a hundred years back were much fitter than the ones who are alive now. On the other hand, we proudly proclaim that it's only in the last century that science has made such breakthrough in unravelling the mysteries of nature that we are only inches from delving into the mindscape of the Creator. If we definitely had such a control over the mechanisms of nature then why is it that every year over 10 million US citizens die because of obesity related disorders of health and doctor's report that over 26 million US citizens run the risk of dying because of obesity?

Cholesterol has become the number one enemy and it is getting ever more important to find a Cholesterol lowering diet. It is evident that we have discovered more scientific methods of growing crops, even though our food supply is increasing as well as the population, still the food crisis in US is not as glaring as in other parts of the world. Our medical facilities are one of the best in the world with our health insurance securing the lives of common US citizens. Still with such advancements in medicine and such clarity in discerning biological processes, 99% of US citizens are unable to control their body functions.

Who is the chief culprit? Unfortunately, like real life criminals, health disorders are of such varied origins that we can't single out any one. Instead, we may observe a common pattern of behaviour on the part of the patients. As you might have already guessed, it is obesity arising out of intake of an improper diet. A generation hooked onto Zinger burgers, McDonald Meals, cheap liquor and crates of beer will not stop until they slammed into the gates of hell. You lifestyle determines your death style. If you think that running on a high fat or carb diet like surplus servings of eggs, butter, milk, bacon, cheese, ham, beef steaks, chocolate, French fries, cold drinks, you will live past 60 years of age, well you are mistaken.

If you get time enough to gorge on such food throughout the day, evidently you won't be able to squeeze in the exercise needed to burn off the calories consumed. At the end of the day, when you get your blood cholesterol check you would find to your surprise and petrifaction that high-density lipid levels and low-density lipid levels have skyrocketed. Needless to say, your cholesterol levels will be some 300 times more than the permissible level.

Under such circumstances if you really want to take control of your life and find a cholesterol lowering diet and set things right, then switch over to the Mediterranean diet and supplement it with some exercise and some good habits. If you are aware of the fact that your health condition is slowly deteriorating, if your obese figure is not just being reflected as stretch marks on your skin but also has become the talk of the neighborhood, then you should instantly contact your local physician and take his advice regarding health matters. Nine out of ten times, will he go for a Mediterranean diet? You might be getting impatient to know what exactly the Mediterranean diet comprises. It is a common notion that the Great bard of yore talked about the tall, dark, handsome lad charming you off your feet and most of the times these tall dark handsome men turned out to be the Moors.

Well, the Moors are just like most other physically active wandering tribes of the Mediterranean region. According to the census, very few Mediterranean people die annually out of diabetes, heart attack or morbid obesity related disorders. This is not because their diet consists of some wonderful weight-reducing pill. It comprises of mostly green vegetables, cereals, nuts, whole grain breads, legumes, beans, and pasta. As a beverage, they consume water or red wine. The cooking oil used is the medicinal effective olive oil. They even consume yogurts, milk and cheese but in moderation. As desserts, they mostly have fruits. Their consumption of poultry and eggs is restricted to once a week; red meat is introduced into their diet a few times a month with sweet and dessert intake being limited to a bare minimum.

Apart from consuming such a nutrient rich diet, yet one low on fats and carbohydrates, the Mediterranean people found enough time to escape from their backbreaking work to gather and enjoy their meals together. Love makes the world go round; it also results in a proper body metabolism. Don't be afraid to experiment with this diet. At first, it won't satisfy your fast-food accustomed palate but if followed religiously for a month, you will notice the changes. Life will seem more beautiful.

To grab more free information on the Cholesterol lowering diet

Do Not Take This Statin Cholesterol Lowering Drug Until You Read This

598 out of every 600 People will needlessly take and pay for a newly approved drug that will do nothing for them except potentially introduce side-effects they did not have before.

The FDA recently approved the use of the statin cholesterol lowering drug Crestor, in healthy people whose cholesterol was not elevated. The alleged benefit of taking the drug is to reduce heart attacks and strokes in healthy people who had 2 risk factors - High C-Reactive Protein (which is a measure of inflammation) and high blood pressure or smoking.

The FDA based it's approval to use Crestor preventively to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke because a large study showed about a 50+% risk reduction in this group of patients. WHAT COULD BE BAD ABOUT THAT?

It is very hard to understand why the FDA allows this 50% number to be used, without significant explanation to patients of the real meaning, benefits and risks of this statistic.


The group of patients who were studied and to whom the medicine will be recommended, are basically healthy people who have no history of heart disease or stroke. If they smoke or have high blood pressure + show high C-Reactive protein, they qualify for the drug. The absolute risk of this group of patients for having a heart attack or stroke is 1/3 of 1 percent if they do nothing and don't take the drug. In other words for every 600 patients in this group who do nothing, only 2 will ever have a heart attack or stroke. (and because they are healthy even those 2 heart attacks or strokes will probably not be life threatening).

Fast forward -A pharmaceutical giant conducts a study and gives thousands of these patients Crestor which costs $3.50 per pill per day and the study found that instead of 2 heart attacks or strokes occurring in every 600 patients, only 1 heart attack or stroke will occur in every 600 patients. Yes this is a reduction of 50% but 50% of a number that was so tiny, that it was an insignificant risk of occurring in these patients had they done nothing.

Another way to look at this is that the pharmaceutical company convinced the FDA to approve a drug (with potential serious side-effects) that needlessly put 598 people on a medicine they didn't ever need and expose them to side-effects like liver toxicity and muscle problems, and increased risk of diabetes, to eliminate 1 (ONE) heart attack or stroke in 600 people. 598 people out of 600 pay for a drug that they not only didn't need but could introduce serious health issues they didn't have before.

To complicate the picture even more, the physician who receives a royalty on every C-reactive protein lab test run in the country, was the physician who convinced the drug company to do the study.

Many well known and respected physicians are concerned at the prospect of giving statin drugs to healthy people for such a ridiculously small benefit and other potential problems.

While he continues his research and development of safer, more effective medications and supplements, Curt is dedicated to helping others achieve and maintain optimal health.

What Are Some Home Remedies For Lowering Cholesterol?

Nowadays, so many people are overweight that it is clear that the majority of the country is not particularly health-conscious. Fast food places abound and with the advance of technology, the general population is more sedentary than ever before. All of these factors lead to much higher cholesterol than is healthy, so if you are looking to lower your own, than here are some home remedies for lowering cholesterol that should help you.

Although there are many prescription medicines out there that can do the trick, it is a good idea to start with simple home solutions that you can do yourself. This will have two benefits for you.

First of all, medications can be very expensive. If you do not try to correct the problem in natural, healthy ways, but simply rely on a pill or bottle to do the trick for you, then you are resigning yourself to a lifetime of paying a lot of money. The higher your cholesterol rises, the less likely the insurance companies are to be friendly and you might find yourself paying quite a large sum out-of-pocket.

Secondly, a fix that you can do yourself at home will not only work to control the problem, but over time and with great effort, it can even correct the problem. Whereas a medicine will simply treat the existing condition, a healthy lifestyle can work to eliminate the problem completely, which is obviously a much more ideal situation.

The first thing that you can try to lower your numbers is onion juice. Powerful and potent, this stuff might seem a little bit smelly, but its acidic nature can work to battle your problem. It will work to clean out your blood and digestive tracts and can even regulate the heart action.

Soy products, oat bran, and sunflower seeds are three great foods that can lower your cholesterol. Do not overindulge in them, but make them part of your normal, balanced healthy diet and you will see a difference within weeks.

Another choice of home remedies for lowering cholesterol seems very simple, but is often hard for people to do: work to eat less of foods high in this harmful substance. Stay away from red meats, eggs, fatty cheeses, and butter, and you will definitely improve your health and the way you look and feel. Switching instead to a diet high in fiber and low-fat foods will make a huge difference in your numbers and a very happy doctor the next time you stop in for a check up.

High cholesterol is dangerous and it is crucial to control it at the earliest. To learn about supplements that can help lower cholesterol more naturally, Rajagopalan helps you to understand how this natural remedy can help control cholesterol.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Statin Drugs for Cholesterol Lowering Won't Necessarily Save Your Life

In January of 2008 there was some unsettling news that came from the FDA about the risks of the cholesterol lowering medication Vytorin (a combination of Zetia (Ezetimibe) and the statin drug Zocor (simvastatin)). Data from the Enhance trial that was not previously revealed by the manufacturer, Merck/Schering-Plough, showed that the combination drug did not reduce atherosclerotic plaque any better than the generic statin drug, simvastatin, when given alone.

In fact, if anything Vytorin seemed to make atherosclerotic plaque worse, although it had a greater effect on lowering cholesterol. Vytorin has also been associated with an alarming increase in risk of liver damage. In addition, the Zetia that is in Vytorin has never been shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks or strokes. And Vytorin, at $2.84 a pop, as well as Zetia ($2.63) costs a heck-of-a-lot more than simvastatin, which is less than a dollar per pill.

Doctors use cholesterol lowering drugs to get cholesterol down to normal levels. However just because a drug lowers cholesterol levels doesn't mean it will do what patients care about most, that is save your life, or even reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

The most commonly prescribed drugs to lower cholesterol, the statins, include Lipitor, Zocor, Crestor, Mevacor, and Pravachol. Statins lower LDL cholesterol by blocking an enzyme that churns out LDL cholesterol in the liver, called HMG CoEnzymeA reductase. Thirteen million prescriptions are written for statins every year. Ezetimibe (Zetia) is a drug that blocks absorption of LDL cholesterol by the small intestine, thus lowering LDL cholesterol levels in the blood. Zetia acts on cells lining the small intestine to interfere with their uptake of cholesterol. If we followed the recommendations of the experts, cholesterol lowering drugs would be given to every American with an LDL of greater than 130 mg/dL over age 45.

Since half of Americans over age 35 have an LDL greater than 130 that would mean that almost half of all Americans or 100 million people should, theoretically, be taking statins. Since a year of statins costs up to $3000, that would cost $300 billion a year. Comparing national guidelines for who should take a statin across different countries, the guidelines which called for the most liberal use of statins (you guessed it, the U.S.) which called for 25% of the population to be on statins, saved no more lives than the guidelines for one of the most restrictive countries, New Zealand, which would treat 13% of the population.

For healthy males without a history of heart disease and without risk factors for heart disease (smoking, hypertension, family history of heart disease, familial hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, obesity and diabetes), there isn't any evidence that cholesterol lowering drugs are helpful in terms of preventing heart attacks and strokes. For men with risk factors, the majority of the studies show that they may prevent heart attacks but don't decrease your risk of dying. Cholesterol lowering does not prevent heart attacks in women without heart disease or in men without heart disease who are over the age of 70.

And taking a statin won't prevent you from having a heart attack or dying if you have heart disease. It only slightly lowers your risk, by about 0.2% per year. The only study to show that statins reduce risk of death in patients without heart disease showed that although after 15 years men taking Pravachol had fewer deaths (106 versus 135 on placebo), there was a 51% increase in prostate cancer. Other studies have shown a slight increase in the risk of cancer, especially with the use of high dose statins to bring cholesterol down to very low levels. Statins can also cause liver damage, depression, memory problems, and joint pain. They can also cause damage to the muscle tissue which results in muscle pain. In rare cases this can lead to a breakdown of the muscle tissue which results in kidney failure. Zetia can headache, dizziness, diarrhea, muscle and joint pain, and more rarely jaundice, gall stones or inflammation of the pancreas.

Bottom line? The drugs you are taking to prevent heart disease may not be as useful as you think, and in some cases may be doing more harm than good. Let the buyer beware.

Natural Cholesterol Lowering Techniques That Really Work

If you were recently in for a doctor's visit and he told you those words that no one wants to hear, "Your cholesterol levels are too high", then it is time to think about what you can do to solve the problem. Rather than looking for a pill to pop once a day, you should work on natural cholesterol lowering techniques to ensure that not only is the problem suppressed, but it disappears completely and leaves you totally healthy.

One natural supplement that can help is anything that contains soy in it. This great and healthy food is often overlooked by the majority of the population, but it can have so many positive benefits and can really improve your overall health.

Although this may not be something that you are used to snacking on, there are many delicious recipes that include soy where you can find many creative ways to incorporate it into your meals. Try sauteing it in soy sauce and adding it to a salad or snack on crunchy soy nuts that are tasty and can replace fattening junk food.

Another healthy solution is the incorporation of oat bran into your diet. Many cereals are fortified with this beneficial and healthy supplement and you can easily get your daily fix in this way or you can look to bake tasty foods with this important ingredient. You can create hearty breakfast muffins or crunchy cookies that include oat bran for an interesting twist on old tastes that will lower your cholesterol as you enjoy.

Of course, there is more to this method than just snacking, so at the same time that you try out these new foods, try to remove certain damaging things from your diet. Red meat and butter are poisonous for someone with high cholesterol, as are egg yolks, fatty cheeses, and whole milk. When indulging in dairy products, stick to low-fat choices such as reduced fat cheese and one percent or skim milk.

Vegetable oil is another thing that you should look to eliminate or use as sparingly as possible, so try to dress your salads with olive oil, which is much better for you. When you saute on the stove top, use a cooking spray instead of the two tablespoons of oil that a lot of recipes call for and you can easily reduce your intake in a way that no one will notice.

Natural cholesterol lowering is the best way to get yourself back on track and erase your problem because it not only lowers your dangerous cholesterol levels, but it also improves your overall health. If you learn to make these healthy habits a way of life, you will find that the benefits are endless and that you will be full of energy and feel great.

High cholesterol is dangerous and it is crucial to control it at the earliest. To learn about supplements that can help lower cholesterol more naturally,

Shocking Cholesterol Lowering Drug Effects Exposed And What The Best Alternative Is

Without doubt, the most popular cholesterol lowering drugs on the market are statins. Yet despite their extensive use, there is no significant decrease in the number of people developing coronary heart disease across the world. What does this tell you? That there is a total lack of honesty about the use of statins and cholesterol lowering drug effects in general, right across the board.

The pharmaceutical industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and the use of statins has been accelerated thanks to massive advertising, and the downward adjustment of the recommended safe cholesterol levels. Patients are usually advised to stay on statins for the rest of their lives, making statins the most profitable drugs ever produced.

Let's take a look at the cholesterol lowering drug effects that statins are responsible for:

Nausea Diarrhoea Upset Stomach Headaches Rashes Constipation Depression Lack of Sleep Muscle Aches Irritability Tingling Numbness Dizziness Swelling Weight Gain Blurred Vision Shortness Of Breath Severe Muscle Weakness and Pain Memory Loss Cognitive Impairment Impotence Birth Defects Liver Damage Increased Risk Of Heart Failure

And in some cases, certain statins were removed from the market, but only after multiple reported deaths. Still want to take them?

Look, we all want to trust our doctors and feel assured that what we are prescribed will not do us any harm. But the fact is, doctors are part of the pharmaceutical business, whether you like to acknowledge that or not. Sales reps are calling into them all the time, with the next super pill for them to recommend.

I am a former high cholesterol sufferer and I was put on statins for years, without being advised of any of the cholesterol lowering drug effects they could cause. And let me tell you, I experienced quite a few from the above list, the worse being liver damage.

From that point on, I made a conscious decision, despite a history of heart disease in my family, to never take another prescription pill again!

And I can honestly tell you, that was the single, best decision of my life! I now have excellent cholesterol levels, I have lost a pile of the weight I gained from those prescription drugs, I have loads of energy and I feel absolutely fantastic!

Even when I was on statins, I had several heart scares, and was rushed to hospital. I failed several stress tests. But now, I could do a stress test in my sleep!

How did I achieve all this and reverse the cholesterol lowering drug effects? Three simple things - diet, exercise and a quality natural cholesterol supplement.

Oh I still eat my favourite foods, but now I eat them in moderation. I had a ferocious appetite when I was taking statins. I don't belong to a gym, I just have a walk or cycle when I can.

But the natural supplement I used, and continue to use, was the real key, as it completely balanced my cholesterol levels. The ingredients and their quantities are what give it the advantage over other so-called successful natural products.

If you feel ready to finally take charge of managing your cholesterol levels, and getting great heart health, then visit my website today, where I share, what I personally successfully used, and continue to use, for excellent cholesterol levels and super heart health, with no side effects.

Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements That Work

A healthy and low cholesterol level is a great thing for your body. A majority of the world's heart attacks and strokes are caused by bad cholesterol. The cause is the tightening of your arteries and the improper flow of fluids through the body. One of the best things you can do is take the right natural cholesterol lowering supplements day to day.

One of the top ten supplements people can take is garlic. This can be used to up your good cholesterol and lower your bad. It is recommended that if you are taking blood thinners then you should not take garlic supplements.

Artichoke extract and fish oil are good for lowering cholesterol as well. Fish oil helps with cholesterol through it's Omega-3 fatty acids. The recommended intake per day is 3-4 milligrams. It is also recommended to take 900 milligrams two times a day of the artichoke extract, but do not take it if you are allergic to artichokes.

Margarine contains something called sitostanol. Studies have shown that taking 4-5 tsp a day can help with cholesterol levels. But if taken in a pill then you would need about 800 milligrams a day. Guggulipid has many health benefits as well as lowering bad cholesterol.

You may know what barley and flax seed are, but most people don't know the nutritional value it has for lowering your cholesterol. Due to flax seed's flavor it is recommended to eat it in cereal or yogurt. But the recommended intake is about 40-50 grams a day. The easier of the two to take is barley. In flour form you should take about 30 grams daily. If you want to take it in an oil extract form, 3 grams a day is the best amount.

A supplement called psyllium, found mainly in Metamucil, lowers bad cholesterol diseases about 15-20%. For the best result it is suggested to take about 10 grams a day for the maximum benefit. Phytosterol is found in everyday items like margarine and orange juice. This makes it one of the top taken supplements to take.

In China they have been testing a new way to lower cholesterol. The supplement is called cholestin. It is not available in the US yet, but when it comes, it will most probably go behind the counter and will need a prescription. It seems it will work for more of the serious cholesterol cases. It showed a 20% drop in cholesterol levels.

Raising good cholesterol and lowering the bad can be a hard task. But the benefits are unbelievable. Your risk of heart attacks and strokes go down. You also have more energy and a better attitude all around. The toll of bad cholesterol can effect everyone in your life as well as yourself.


Knowing these natural cholesterol lowering supplements that work is just half of the picture. Find out how to naturally control your cholesterol levels and lower triglycerides to avoid the risk of serious heart problems.

Why Doctors Think Cholesterol Lowering Drugs Will Solve My Problem and How I Know They Won't

Let's start with the money. Cholesterol lowering drugs are the top earners for the pharmaceutical industries. In 2004 Pfizer netted $10.9 billion in sales from their cholesterol-lowering drug atorvastatin (popularly known as Lipitor). It beats their other wonder drug - Viagra!

Consider another statin called Crestor costs $1,400 a year for the 20-milligram dose. That is more than $3.80 per day. Now, if you are told that a high cholesterol level means you are about to have a heart attack you will want to pay $3.80 per day - for the rest of your life, even! That is what synthetic drug therapy for high cholesterol and most of these lifestyle-related conditions amounts to anyway. This means big profits for the pharmaceutical industries.

Most patients are "lazy" and unwilling to change their poor habits, and doctors know that. They know that we tend to want to do the same things that make us sick, such as enjoy the high cholesterol foods, neglect exercise and the healthy habits, and not suffer for it. Therefore, pills are great cover-ups. So we eat more cholesterol and stifle our liver - preventing it from functioning normally.

Drug Research and Medical Claims

From a study of 18,000 people using the cholesterol-lowering drug Crestor, the report claims that that Crestor reduced heart attacks and strokes by a whopping 50%. However, what does this mean when you translate this into practical meaning for your life?

It means that "Ninety-five people would need to be treated for two years to prevent one event." Drug companies report this as a 50% reduction in heart attacks and strokes! Using this relative risk reduction interpretation is very effective in advertising, but will your doctor tell you about the number needed to treat?

Prescribing these cholesterol lowering drugs pay good kickbacks for pharmacies and medical institutions. There appears to be a strong alliance between the Drug Monitoring agencies and the manufacturers. Notice that a drug is only pulled from the market if the collateral damage (this is a war of sorts) becomes too high. Side effects are considered normal, but any natural remedy or food that intimates a cure of preventative value is labeled as "evil".

With a good diet, regular light exercise (in my own home), and safe health habits, I am able to maintain a total cholesterol level of around 143 mg/dl. We can do better preventing a heart attack or a stroke than the statistical 1 out of every 95. They call that a 50% relative reduction risk, but that looks like a sales gimmick to me. And don't put that in my drinking water either...

One British doctor even suggested that it be made mandatory that statins be put in drinking water...

So it is the money. It is the whole reason why doctors will think that cholesterol lowering drugs are the solution to you high cholesterol situation. In fact, the JUPITER study is trying to prove just that, and one British doctor even advocated that it should be made mandatory that statins be put in drinking water.

You have got to be determined to win the high cholesterol war or you could become just another cholesterol statistic - legally dosed to death!

Copyright ? 2008 by Bentley Thompson

Bentley writes about lifestyle-related conditions such as diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular diseases. He advocates the anti-diabetes diet which he describes on his websites. You may read more of his articles at

Finding Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements That Can Help You Reduce Cholesterol Naturally

Keeping a low and healthy cholesterol level is very important. High cholesterol is one of the main causes of strokes and heart attacks. This is from your arteries narrowing so that your fluid aren't flowing correctly. Taking natural cholesterol lowering supplements is by far the best thing you could do.

Garlic is one of the top 10 natural supplements that can be used to lower your bad cholesterol and raise your good. Doctors do recommend not taking garlic supplements if you are taking blood thinning medication. Fish oil and artichoke extract are also recommended. The Omega-3 fatty acids in the fish oil have been known to help lower cholesterol levels. You only need about 3-4 milligrams per day however. It is recommended to take about 900 milligrams twice a day of the artichoke supplements.

Sitostanol can be found in margarine. You need about 4-5 teaspoons a day in that form. If taken in a supplement or pill then you need about 800 milligrams a day. On top of many other health benefits, guggulipid is another way to lower cholesterol.

Flaxseed and barley are a little better known. But not many people knew they were good for lowering cholesterol. Flaxseed can be taken in cereal or yogurt to dull the taste. It is recommended to take 40-50 grams daily. Barley is an easy supplement to take. You can take 3 grams in oil extract form or 30 grams in barley flour daily.

Found mostly in Metamucil, psyllium lowers cholesterol diseases from 15-20%. It is suggested to take 10 grams daily for the best result. Phytosterol is one of the top supplements used to lower cholesterol because it has been added to a number of everyday products like orange juice and margarine.

The number one natural way of lowering cholesterol has been tested in China. The United States won't give approval, because much of the ingredients are used for our prescription drugs. It is called cholestin. In Chinese studies, it lowered cholesterol levels by 20%.

Don't underestimate the power of exercise and sleep as well. Sleep helps rejuvenate your body. Exercise helps clean toxins out of your body. Both of these brings your body to a cleaner and better point getting it ready to get rid of bad cholesterol.

Lowering bad cholesterol can be a hard task. The benefits are exponential. Not only does your risk of stroke and heart attacks go down, but you live longer. You have more energy on top of an all around better attitude. Bad cholesterol can take a toll on you and everyone in your life.


Knowing these natural cholesterol lowering supplements is just half of the picture. Find out how to naturally control your cholesterol levels and lower triglycerides to avoid the risk of serious heart problems.

Cholesterol-Lowering Foods - Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

You can't turn on a TV without being bombarded with cholesterol lowering drug ads because there are 105 million adults in the US with cholesterol levels higher than they should be. It's the way we do things; take a pill and make it better. Are statins effective? Yes, they are or the FDA would not have approved them. But what the ads don't feature is that there can be significant side affects from taking statin drugs including difficulty sleeping, nausea, dizziness, and muscle aches.

But there are steps you can take to lower your cholesterol levels naturally, without taking drugs and putting up with unwanted side affects. Here are the most important:

Limit Your Intake of Cholesterol Be aware of how much cholesterol is in the foods you choose. Limiting dietary cholesterol will also reduce saturated fats as they usually go side by side in the same foods.

Eat Regularly Missing a meal often leads to overeating. There is nothing wrong with eating 5 or 6 times a day if they are "mini" meals and stop your food cravings. If you are tempted to overeat anytime you are around food, then the three scheduled meal plan is probably better.

Get Exercise Your body was designed to move about and it works better when it is exercised. Improved muscle tone, blood flow, raised "good" (HDL) cholesterol levels, and controls body sugars.

Drink Water 32 to 64 ounces a day is recommended. Sound like a lot, but you will have more energy and will eat less.

Limit Calories from Fat Eat a minimum of trans-fatty acids (butter, salad dressing, ice cream).

Eat a mix of protein Maintain a balance of vegetable, fish, and meat protein. Increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

Eat More Vegetables and Fruits Nature has provided us with powerful natural methods to fight high cholesterol and heart disease. These sources of dietary fiber also help reduce "bad" (LDL} cholesterol.

I am not for a minute suggesting that, if you are under a physician's care and have been prescribed medication for cholesterol that you should stop and instead take up the steps above. If you are on medication, stay on it.

What I am pointing out is that we can help ourselves reduce our cholesterol levels with some pretty easy life style choices and lead a much healthier, happy lifestyle.

If you are ready to make these changes, one of the most challenging is how to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet to the recommended 5 servings daily. I recommend using smoothies as the medium to get the fruit and or vegetables you need. They are easy to make, low calorie, and there is an almost infinite number of recipes so you will not get bored.

Would you want a dietary supplement that will help you control your cholesterol levels? Go to Mila Healthy Living.Com and read about this truly remarkable product.

Mila's properties include eight times more omega-3 fatty acid than salmon, twice the fiber of bran flakes, and six times more calcium than milk.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Options You Have When It Comes To Lowering Your Cholesterol

It doesn't matter how old you are or where you come from, having low cholesterol is important. If you cholesterol is bad, it's easy to see that you can increase the chances of having a heart attack or even a stroke. If you want to get a handle on cholesterol, then you will want to start with learning everything that you can about it.

You can find cholesterol all throughout the body. A lot of it is not healthy and you can get it by eating certain foods that aren't good for your health. Too much cholesterol can cause symptoms such as clogged arteries, heart blockage, and even death. One of the leading cause of high cholesterol is a food called bacon. We all love bacon but you should know that it and fatty foods contain a lot of cholesterol.

Maybe you have heard of cholesterol before and are wondering what different kinds there are. There are basically 2 types of cholesterol. They are called HDL and LDL cholesterol. HDL stands for high density lipoprotein and LDL stands for low density lipoprotein. Both exist within out bodies but the key is to balance them out to achieve overall health.

If you want to lower your cholesterol, you have a few options at your disposal. The first is using prescription drugs that your doctor can prescribe to you. They work well for some people and some people really don't like the idea of taking medicine to lower their cholesterol. It all depends on your goals and what you want to do.

The next option is the natural route. You can lower your cholesterol by taking a natural approach to it. There are tons of natural cholesterol lowers that are found in the foods that we eat. There are also natural remedies that you can take to lower your cholesterol. These natural remedies weren't created using pesticides or chemicals. One such herb that you can take is garlic.

Another natural remedy that helps to lower cholesterol is omega-3 fish oil. It was shown to decrease the risk of heart disease by as much as 40%. Also, the spice curcumin lowers cholesterol naturally too. There's a remedy made from myrrh tree that is known to reduce cholesterol also. It is called golgul gum resin, and it also helps you to lose weight also.

Niacin is also known to help reduce cholesterol. One thing you should know about cholesterol is that it comes in different forms. There's flush free niacin and then there's regular niacin. The main different between the two lies within the active ingredient. You should know that flush free niacin doesn't deliver the flush of regular niacin, but it also doesn't work as well as regular niacin too. I once heard that no flush equals no results, so you will want to keep this in mind when selecting the best niacin pill to take.

When it comes to lowering your cholesterol, you have a ton of options at your disposal. All the methods of lowering cholesterol mentioned in this article are there to help you lower your cholesterol simply and easily, so you should start using them right away.

Good luck with lowering your cholesterol.

FOR MORE INFO: Learn ideas for lowering your cholesterol and living healthier today.