Showing posts with label Natural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural. Show all posts

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Why a Natural Weight Loss Pill Aims to Lower Your Cholesterol

When people turn to natural weight loss pills to shed those extra pounds they're looking to lose weight. And they measure their success on the number of pounds they shed. But one of their goals in losing weight is to be healthier. But there are other factors in being healthy. The one most talked about these days is cholesterol. So how important is it?

What Is Cholesterol?

All the cells in our body are surrounded by cholesterol. That's why it's important. It's everywhere. Cholesterol is a lipid that is required for the body to operate. Its job is to protect our nerve fibres and make sure that nerve signals are making their way through the body properly. Cholesterol also makes hormones that transport certain signals around the body.

So, on the one hand, it's good for the body. But, on the other hand, too much of it in your body can be bad and lead to heart disease. So it's important to bring it down.

What's A Safe Level?

Unfortunately, it's not as simple as weighing yourself. Knowing what your cholesterol level is not enough to tell if you have too much. The only way to tell if you're at risk of heart disease is to consult your doctor because you need to find out what your Lipoprotein level is.

The average person should have around 4.0mmol/l but if you have a low density lipoprotein count, then you should have about 2.0mmol/l. But there is no average person and the only way to know what your ideal level is, is to visit the doctor.

How To Reduce Cholesterol

Unfortunately cholesterol levels are on the rise. And there is a direct relationship between those high levels and the increased incidences of heart disease. So it's important to think about reducing your own levels.

There are a few ways to lower it. Eating healthy food is a very good way of reducing your LDL level. Healthy food protects your body against the harmful effects of cholesterol.

Other ways to lower the level include: stopping smoking, losing weight and exercising to raise your HDL cholesterol level (which is a good thing). If these methods don't work over a period of around six months, you should consult your doctor. Medication can be obtained that helps.


It's important to monitor your cholesterol levels. High levels are largely a result of modern lifestyles and poor diets. But if you take action to keep your levels low and get checked out by the doctor you're on your way to a healthier body.

More information about natural weight loss pills can be found at For details about Proactol, go to

Natural Cholesterol Remedies Explained

As a long time sufferer of high cholesterol, if I had a dollar for all of the so called natural cholesterol remedies that people recommended, and in some cases I tried without success, I would be a very wealthy woman!

Most people mean well when you are battling something as serious as high cholesterol, and especially those who know you well, and know that family members and friends died prematurely from heart disease.

And to be honest, when you are not in a position to take prescription cholesterol lowering medications, because of their adverse side effects, and you are terrified of dying young yourself, you will try everything and anything to survive.

Some of the natural cholesterol remedies out there are as follows:

Garlic Capsules

Garlic is considered wonderful for the heart. However, with regard to lowering cholesterol, whilst studies show that garlic can lower cholesterol by a tiny amount, there is no evidence that it can sustain this over a long period of time.

Guggul Supplements

Guggul is a herbal medicine used to control obesity and is considered by some as one of the most effective natural cholesterol remedies. It boasts a wide therapeutic range from the common cold, skin problems, reduced arthritis pain, etc., to name but a few. Almost sounds like a miracle pill! Results of studies carried out have conflicting results regarding the cholesterol lowering capabilities of guggul.

Arjuna Supplements

Arjuna is a tree grown in India and similar climatic countries. The bark is used to create this supplement and boasts a wide range of healing and health beneficial properties, including lowering cholesterol, improved cardiac function and improved liver function. Mixed feedback from people on actual results achieved and concerns over use compared to other natural cholesterol remedies.

Niacin Capsules

Niacin is a B vitamin found in meat, dairy and fish. It has been proven to lower triglycerides and LDL and raise HDL. However, it has also been proved that taking Niacin over a long period of time results in adverse side effects, one of which is liver damage.

I could provide an endless list of all the natural cholesterol remedies out there. Some are trying to be everything and anything to all ailments. Some even claim to prevent heart attacks. The problem I found with the majority of them, was that, they seemed to add lowering cholesterol as an addendum. They claim to deal with everything from lowering blood pressure, increasing cardiac function, preventing colds, reducing menstrual pain, reducing arthritis pains, weight management, etc.

I mean, how on earth can you have any faith in a supplement that claims to fix everything that could possibly be wrong with you!

Of all the natural cholesterol remedies out there, I did find one that focussed purely on lowering cholesterol, without any side effects. No outrageous claims, simple facts, detailed list of nutrients, simple explanations, just what you need.

But before I would advise anyone to simply start taking natural cholesterol remedies, I would suggest reading through the entire research first and be aware of how cholesterol works and why it is so important to lower cholesterol naturally.

Mary Ruddy is a strong advocate of natural and safe health care and enjoys nothing more than helping others make a positive impact on their lives. To find out more about how you too can improve your health naturally visit her website today at

Visit her site to learn the natural and safe way for lowering cholesterol.

Discover Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol - Save Money While Building a Healthier Heart

For many individuals, when they learned that they need to lower their cholesterol, they really are uncertain what the best thing to do is. Natural ways to lower cholesterol are far better than using cholesterol medication. After a very short period of time of changing your eating habits and getting a little more exercise, you will feel better and have more energy.

You see, the best way to lower cholesterol is free. There are no pills to buy. No unnecessary trips to the doctor. And you can actually save money by spending less on red meat than you had previously been doing. That's because the most effective ways of lowering cholesterol involves reducing the amount of saturated fat in your diet and substantially increasing the amounts of high fiber vegetables, fruits and nuts.

Fiber is important because it efficiently removes cholesterol from your body. As a matter fact, cholesterol actually attaches itself to fiber in the digestive system so that it is eliminated. However, it is equally important to remove saturated fats from your diet.

Now don't get me wrong. You can still have the occasional beef, but it needs to be lean cuts such as sirloin pork tenderloin, and you should consume it on a less regular basis.

I have found that a great substitute for ground beef is ground turkey when seasoned properly. As a matter of fact it is more enjoyable than ground beef because it lacks all the grease found in hamburger.

You will also want to take a serious look at the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Empty carbs such as white rice and potatoes can quickly increase cholesterol levels. However, the opposite is also true. By eliminating these types of foods, and replacing them with high fiber foods such as brown rice or wild rice, triglyceride levels drop rapidly.

If you really want to find natural ways to lower cholesterol diet is the place to begin. I invite you to visit my website where you can learn about other steps you can take to lower your cholesterol and improve your overall health.

Keep these things in mind next time as you go to the grocery store and focus on some cholesterol lowering foods that will actually make you healthier in the long run. That's one thing medication cannot do for you.

Van Crawford has been studying health and nutrition for over 10 years as he has researched ways to lower his own cholesterol levels. Visit his website now for more information on powerful ways to improve your health and lower your cholesterol: Tips For Lowering Cholesterol

Lowering LDL Cholesterol the Natural Way

Let's start with the obvious.


If you start out with a healthy diet, which consists mostly of lean protein sources, vegetables that grow above the ground, and fruit, that will help. In addition to a basically healthy diet, to control cholesterol most experts counsel avoiding eating red meat and animal fat in general. For example, if you eat the breast of birds such as chickens and turkeys instead of the legs and thighs, you will eat less animal fat. You can also avoid animal fat by not eating the skin.

Now, if your cholesterol problems are diet based, eating a healthy diet will probably solve the problem. If not, then you might need to look into some sort of supplement to help you control your cholesterol levels.

I assume if you're reading this article, you've already ruled out statin drugs because they are carcinogenic and often have side effects such as muscle pain and weakness, nausea, insomnia, fatigue, slurred speech, balance problems, memory loss, liver problems, sexual dysfunction, personality changes and irritability.

Fortunately, there are less destructive and expensive alternatives available.


Niacin has been known to lower cholesterol since the 1950s. Of particular interest is a comparative study between Lovastatin (a popular statin drug) and Niacin. 136 patients with high cholesterol were randomly assigned either Lovastatin or Niacin over a 26 week period. Although the Lovastatin initial lowered LDL cholesterol more quickly than the Niacin, by the end of the study, there was not a whole lot of difference, with Lovastatin lowering LDL by 32% and Niacin lowering LDL by 23%.

But where Niacin really shines is in increasing HDL (the good cholesterol) and lowering Lp(a), a lipoprotein which is highly predictive of heart disease. By the end of the study, Niacin had increased HDL by 33% and lowered Lp(a) by 35%, compared to 7% and 0% for Lovastatin, respectively.

However, there are some problems with Niacin. It causes unpleasant flushing and can impair blood sugar control in diabetics. Worse, if using sustained-release Niacin, almost half of users develop liver toxicity, although it should be noted that if using regular Niacin, there is little danger of liver toxicity.

Fortunately, there is a form of niacin called inositol hexaniacinate, which has been used in Europe for many years to control cholesterol levels.


Inositol hexaniacinate's side effects are minimal and it works even better than regular niacin, according to a study comparing the effect of niacin and inositol hexaniacinate on hyperlipidemic Buscat rabbits (The role of nicotinic acid and inositol hexaniacinate as anticholesterolemic and antilipemic agents. Nutr Reports Int 1983;28:899-911). The inositol hexaniacinate caused a 79.5 % reduction in cholesterol while niacin caused a 74.9% reduction. Better yet, inositol hexaniacinate caused a 63.2% triglyceride reduction, compared to a 30.9% reduction for regular niacin.

This same correlation was found by Welsh and Ede (Inositol hexanicotinate for improved nicotinic acid therapy, Int Record Med 1961;174:9-15).

If you plan to take inositol hexaniacinate to lower your cholesterol, experts recommend that you start out with 500 mg, 3 times a day with meals for 2 weeks. If you tolerate that okay, they suggest upping the dosage to 1000 mg, 3 times a day with meals. Although inositol hexaniacinate appears to have little in the way of side effects, it might still be prudent to have your doctor test your cholesterol levels and liver enzymes with a frequency of every 3 months, at the very least.

Like regular niacin, inositol hexaniacinate is not recommended for use by diabetics, because it can interfere with blood sugar metabolism.

Given inositol hexaniacinate's effectiveness, that's probably a good choice to try first. However, if you cannot tolerate inositol hexaniacinate, there are more options you can try.


Pantethine, a stable form of vitamin B5, inhibits the production of cholesterol by the liver. In a one-year clinical trial conducted with 24 patients, pantethine was shown to decrease LDL (the bad cholesterol) by 21% and increase HDL (the good cholesterol) by 23%, with virtually no toxicity (Effectiveness of long-term treatment with pantethine in patients with dyslipidemia, Clin Ther. 1986;8(5):537-45).

The dosage of pantethine usually recommended for cholesterol management by experts is 300 mg, 3 times a day.


It has been shown that the higher the level of vitamin C in the blood, the lower the total cholesterol count and the higher the HDL (the good cholesterol) is (High plasma vitamin C associated with high plasma HDL- and HDL2 cholesterol, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol 60, 100-105).

In particular, for every increase of .5 mg/dl in vitamin C plasma content, there was a corresponding increase in HDL of 2.1 mg/dl in men and 14.9 mg/dl in women.

Many experts recommend taking 2000 mg of vitamin C a day as general nutritional insurance. That should be plenty for cholesterol control purposes as well.


Believe it or not, garlic has a substantial effect on cholesterol levels, but you would need between 1 to 4 cloves of fresh garlic a day to achieve a significant therapeutic result. Fortunately, the compounds in garlic responsible for its therapeutic benefit can be isolated in pill form.

However, in order to be effective, the supplement must supply the equivalent of 4,000 mg of fresh garlic, not aged garlic. Aged garlic has been proven not to be as effective (A double-blind crossover study in moderately hypercholesterolemic men that compared the effect of aged garlic extract and placebo administration on blood lipids, Am J Clin Nutr. 1996 Dec;64(6):866-70).

On the other hand, a study done at the Clinical Research Center in New Orleans, Louisiana showed that treatment with standardized fresh garlic of 900 mg a day resulted in a drop of 11% in LDL (the bad cholesterol) (Can garlic reduce levels of serum lipids? A controlled clinical study, Am J Med. 1993 Jun;94(6):632-5).

So, if you wanted similar results, you could either take 900 mg a day of a standardized fresh garlic supplement or 1 to 4 cloves or fresh garlic a day.


Gugulipid is extracted from the mukul myrrh tree, which is native to India. It appears to get it's cholesterol lowering effects from increasing the liver's metabolism of LDL (the bad cholesterol).

In a double blind study of 125 patients comparing the effect of gugulipid with the cholesterol lowering drug clofibrate over a period of 12 weeks, the gugulipid group lowered their LDL (the bad cholesterol) by 11% and the clofibrate group by 10% (Clinical trials with gugulipid. A new hypolipidaemic agent, J Assoc Physicians India. 1989 May;37(5):323-8). While HDL (the good cholesterol) was unchanged in the clofibrate group, the gugulipid group typically increased HDL levels by between 16%-20%.

With purified gugulipid preparations, there are no significant side effects. Experts recommend a standardized extract of gugulipid containing 25 mg of guggulsterone per 500 mg tablet, 3 times a day for elevated cholesterol.

Michael Kydonieus is an anti-aging expert and author of "Why Can't I Lose Weight? The Metabolic Syndrome Diet." For more free articles about anti-aging strategies, see

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Natural Cholesterol Lowering Remedies - You Really Are What You Eat

The good news is that natural cholesterol lowering remedies are free. The bad news is that they can also be difficult to implement. This is because fairly radical lifestyle changes are involved that none of us find easy to achieve.

Forget about the story the pharmaceutical companies are trying to sell you. Bad cholesterol is not caused by a lack of some chemical in your body. It is caused by lifestyle choices such as eating too much of the wrong foods. Or, not exercising sensibly. An intelligent person such as yourself knows that to be true. As they say, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Right? No amount of chemicals will fix the problem unless you attend to these issues as well.

Come on now, lets be honest with each other. You just had the thought run through your mind; here we go again, he's going to tell me I have to start eating all those no flavor cardboard foods. Well, not so fast my friend.

Changing your diet doesn't mean that you have to give up on your favorite foods. You just have to change the proportion that they make up of your total food intake, and pay attention to how they are prepared. This can save you money as well as, wait for it; actually improve their flavors. Yes it's true, you might find that you enjoy them even more.

Next time you feel like having a few fatty lamb chops fried in their own drippings, and of course, we got to have a big old pile of french frys on the side, think again. That's about the worst meal you can have, but it doesn't mean you have to starve.

How about we cut the fat off of one chop, grill it on a wire rack so the fat drains off, and serve it with mashed potato and a green salad. Now that wasn't to bad was it? You'll even find the true flavors come through better. You also won't have heartburn or a bad night to follow.

OK, now for the exercising part. No, you don't have to run the the gym every day. My how we jump to conclusions. How about after your healthy meal, you did make it healthy didn't you, don't just lay around on the couch with the remote. Instead take the dog or just yourself for a gentle walk around the neighborhood. Enjoy feeling your food and emotions settle into an easy going mode. Admit to yourself that a lifestyle change is not unpleasant and not impossible either.

Above everything else, make sure you enjoy your new lifestyle. If you find yourself not looking forward to the natural cholesterol lowering remedies you are following, think again. What's the alternative, living on chemical pills the rest of your life? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that's not for you, you wouldn't be reading this article if it was. Anyway didn't your doctor tell you, even if those drugs do lower your cholesterol, if you ever stop taking them it will go right back up again. You deserve better.

Don't just eat things because they are good for you. Eat them because you also like them. The same applies to exercise. Do it because you enjoy doing it. There are enough exercise routines around to ensure something to suit everyone.

While there may not be a boat-load of Natural Cholesterol Lowering Remedies, there are many more than you may realize. Why not give yourself a chance at a chemical free life.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Natural Cholesterol Lowering Techniques That Really Work

If you were recently in for a doctor's visit and he told you those words that no one wants to hear, "Your cholesterol levels are too high", then it is time to think about what you can do to solve the problem. Rather than looking for a pill to pop once a day, you should work on natural cholesterol lowering techniques to ensure that not only is the problem suppressed, but it disappears completely and leaves you totally healthy.

One natural supplement that can help is anything that contains soy in it. This great and healthy food is often overlooked by the majority of the population, but it can have so many positive benefits and can really improve your overall health.

Although this may not be something that you are used to snacking on, there are many delicious recipes that include soy where you can find many creative ways to incorporate it into your meals. Try sauteing it in soy sauce and adding it to a salad or snack on crunchy soy nuts that are tasty and can replace fattening junk food.

Another healthy solution is the incorporation of oat bran into your diet. Many cereals are fortified with this beneficial and healthy supplement and you can easily get your daily fix in this way or you can look to bake tasty foods with this important ingredient. You can create hearty breakfast muffins or crunchy cookies that include oat bran for an interesting twist on old tastes that will lower your cholesterol as you enjoy.

Of course, there is more to this method than just snacking, so at the same time that you try out these new foods, try to remove certain damaging things from your diet. Red meat and butter are poisonous for someone with high cholesterol, as are egg yolks, fatty cheeses, and whole milk. When indulging in dairy products, stick to low-fat choices such as reduced fat cheese and one percent or skim milk.

Vegetable oil is another thing that you should look to eliminate or use as sparingly as possible, so try to dress your salads with olive oil, which is much better for you. When you saute on the stove top, use a cooking spray instead of the two tablespoons of oil that a lot of recipes call for and you can easily reduce your intake in a way that no one will notice.

Natural cholesterol lowering is the best way to get yourself back on track and erase your problem because it not only lowers your dangerous cholesterol levels, but it also improves your overall health. If you learn to make these healthy habits a way of life, you will find that the benefits are endless and that you will be full of energy and feel great.

High cholesterol is dangerous and it is crucial to control it at the earliest. To learn about supplements that can help lower cholesterol more naturally,

Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements That Work

A healthy and low cholesterol level is a great thing for your body. A majority of the world's heart attacks and strokes are caused by bad cholesterol. The cause is the tightening of your arteries and the improper flow of fluids through the body. One of the best things you can do is take the right natural cholesterol lowering supplements day to day.

One of the top ten supplements people can take is garlic. This can be used to up your good cholesterol and lower your bad. It is recommended that if you are taking blood thinners then you should not take garlic supplements.

Artichoke extract and fish oil are good for lowering cholesterol as well. Fish oil helps with cholesterol through it's Omega-3 fatty acids. The recommended intake per day is 3-4 milligrams. It is also recommended to take 900 milligrams two times a day of the artichoke extract, but do not take it if you are allergic to artichokes.

Margarine contains something called sitostanol. Studies have shown that taking 4-5 tsp a day can help with cholesterol levels. But if taken in a pill then you would need about 800 milligrams a day. Guggulipid has many health benefits as well as lowering bad cholesterol.

You may know what barley and flax seed are, but most people don't know the nutritional value it has for lowering your cholesterol. Due to flax seed's flavor it is recommended to eat it in cereal or yogurt. But the recommended intake is about 40-50 grams a day. The easier of the two to take is barley. In flour form you should take about 30 grams daily. If you want to take it in an oil extract form, 3 grams a day is the best amount.

A supplement called psyllium, found mainly in Metamucil, lowers bad cholesterol diseases about 15-20%. For the best result it is suggested to take about 10 grams a day for the maximum benefit. Phytosterol is found in everyday items like margarine and orange juice. This makes it one of the top taken supplements to take.

In China they have been testing a new way to lower cholesterol. The supplement is called cholestin. It is not available in the US yet, but when it comes, it will most probably go behind the counter and will need a prescription. It seems it will work for more of the serious cholesterol cases. It showed a 20% drop in cholesterol levels.

Raising good cholesterol and lowering the bad can be a hard task. But the benefits are unbelievable. Your risk of heart attacks and strokes go down. You also have more energy and a better attitude all around. The toll of bad cholesterol can effect everyone in your life as well as yourself.


Knowing these natural cholesterol lowering supplements that work is just half of the picture. Find out how to naturally control your cholesterol levels and lower triglycerides to avoid the risk of serious heart problems.

Finding Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements That Can Help You Reduce Cholesterol Naturally

Keeping a low and healthy cholesterol level is very important. High cholesterol is one of the main causes of strokes and heart attacks. This is from your arteries narrowing so that your fluid aren't flowing correctly. Taking natural cholesterol lowering supplements is by far the best thing you could do.

Garlic is one of the top 10 natural supplements that can be used to lower your bad cholesterol and raise your good. Doctors do recommend not taking garlic supplements if you are taking blood thinning medication. Fish oil and artichoke extract are also recommended. The Omega-3 fatty acids in the fish oil have been known to help lower cholesterol levels. You only need about 3-4 milligrams per day however. It is recommended to take about 900 milligrams twice a day of the artichoke supplements.

Sitostanol can be found in margarine. You need about 4-5 teaspoons a day in that form. If taken in a supplement or pill then you need about 800 milligrams a day. On top of many other health benefits, guggulipid is another way to lower cholesterol.

Flaxseed and barley are a little better known. But not many people knew they were good for lowering cholesterol. Flaxseed can be taken in cereal or yogurt to dull the taste. It is recommended to take 40-50 grams daily. Barley is an easy supplement to take. You can take 3 grams in oil extract form or 30 grams in barley flour daily.

Found mostly in Metamucil, psyllium lowers cholesterol diseases from 15-20%. It is suggested to take 10 grams daily for the best result. Phytosterol is one of the top supplements used to lower cholesterol because it has been added to a number of everyday products like orange juice and margarine.

The number one natural way of lowering cholesterol has been tested in China. The United States won't give approval, because much of the ingredients are used for our prescription drugs. It is called cholestin. In Chinese studies, it lowered cholesterol levels by 20%.

Don't underestimate the power of exercise and sleep as well. Sleep helps rejuvenate your body. Exercise helps clean toxins out of your body. Both of these brings your body to a cleaner and better point getting it ready to get rid of bad cholesterol.

Lowering bad cholesterol can be a hard task. The benefits are exponential. Not only does your risk of stroke and heart attacks go down, but you live longer. You have more energy on top of an all around better attitude. Bad cholesterol can take a toll on you and everyone in your life.


Knowing these natural cholesterol lowering supplements is just half of the picture. Find out how to naturally control your cholesterol levels and lower triglycerides to avoid the risk of serious heart problems.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Best Natural Ways to Reduce Cholesterol

Omega 3 from Fish Oil

Consumption of omega 3 fatty acids cuts the risk of any heart disease by almost 45%. These fatty acids contribute to natural cholesterol reduction and at the same time prevent blood clot formation. It also reduces instances of irregular heartbeats. So if you take a dose of one gram omega-3 supplement, it can greatly reduce your risk of cardiac health.

Garlic and Green Tea

According to a study garlic also lowered development of atherosclerosis. Green tea contains high concentrations of polyphenols which act as antioxidants that help in eating the free radicals in your body and help in reducing cholesterol levels.

Even though garlic and green tea are recommended by health gurus, omega 3 fatty-acids are the ones which are backed by The American Heart Association which recommends 1g/day of omega 3 (especially from marine sources) for patients who have coronary heart disease. They also recommend consuming variety of fish (especially fatty fish) at least two times a week. Omega 3 fatty acids significantly lower the triglyceride levels. In a study conducted, it was seen that diet rich in fish resulted in lower levels of different cholesterols.

What can you really expect from omega 3 fatty acids?

There is an abundance of omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil. A high dietary intake of these has been linked to low instances of cardiovascular diseases in most of the studies. Apart from lowering triglyceride levels, the fish oil also prevents arrhythmias, reduces inflammation and lowers blood pressure.

Omega 3 Supplements - The best natural way to reduce cholesterol

It is best to eat fresh fish which is oilier to reduce your cholesterol levels. The best choices for obtaining the most cholesterol lowering omega 3 fatty acids are tuna, Atlantic herring, trout and salmon. However, people who cannot consume fish can opt for fish oil supplements which can be found in most of the health food stores or online stores.

According to a research it was found that Inuit Eskimos who eat high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids as they regularly eat fatty fish, have increased amounts of good cholesterols and very less amounts of triglyceride levels.

The Studies are Promising...

In order to reduce cholesterol levels, some studies show that a dose of 900 mg-5 gms a day are needed. To achieve this kind of dose you need to consume lots of fish. Thus supplements of omega 3 are used as they are concentrated amounts in small pills. If you take 900 mg of these fatty acid supplements everyday for a period of 6 months, there will be a substantial decrease in triglyceride or cholesterol levels in your body. The effectiveness is actually dose dependent.

Overall, the best natural ways to reduce cholesterol is omega 3 fatty acids.

Dino Ascari is an health expert. He studied biology and is particularity fascinated by the benefits of omega 3. Check out his guide about heart disease treatments.