Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Link Between Heart Disease & Cholesterol: Fact or Fallacy?

Heart disease is the number one killer in the world. One out of every two men and one out of every three women currently develop heart disease. The UK has one of the highest rates of death from heart disease in the world - one British adult dies from the disease every three minutes - and strokes are the country's third biggest killer, claiming 70,000 lives each year.

Heart disease is the common name given to a range of conditions, including:

Coronary artery disease (including heart attack) Abnormal heart rhythms or arrythmias Heart failure Heart valve disease Congenital heart disease Heart muscle disease (cardiomyopathy) Pericardial disease Aorta disease and Marfan syndrome Vascular disease (blood vessel disease)


Before 1920, Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) was rare in America, but by the mid fifties it was the leading cause of death among Americans (which corresponds with most Western Countries). So what had changed?

Whilst modern medicine would have us believe that this epidemic is the result of diets that are too high in cholesterol and saturated fat, here are some interesting facts that contradict that claim: between 1910 and 1970, animal fat consumption decreased from 83% to 62%; butter consumption decreased from 18 pounds to 4 pounds per year; and margarine, shortening and refined oils consumption increased by 400%.

In order to determine the scientific validity of the proposed link, it is first essential to examine the role of cholesterol.

Every cell membrane in our body contains cholesterol because cholesterol is what makes our cells waterproof – without cholesterol we could not have a different biochemistry on the inside and the outside of the cell. When cholesterol levels are not adequate, the cell membrane becomes leaky or porous; a situation the body interprets as an emergency, releasing a flood of corticoid hormones that work by taking cholesterol from one part of the body and transporting it to areas where it is lacking.

Thus, low cholesterol – whether due to an innate error of metabolism or induced by cholesterol-lowering diets and drugs – can be expected to disrupt the production of adrenal hormones and lead to blood sugar problems, edema, mineral deficiencies, chronic inflammation, difficulty in healing, allergies, asthma, reduced libido, infertility and various reproductive problems (1).

Other cholesterol facts:

· Cholesterol is the body’s repair substance: scar tissue contains high levels of cholesterol.

· The bile salts, required for the digestion of fat, are made of cholesterol. Those who suffer from low cholesterol often have trouble digesting fats.

· Cholesterol also functions as a powerful antioxidant, thus protecting us against cancer and aging.

· Cholesterol is vital to proper neurological function. About 17% of the human brain is composed of cholesterol.

So what is happening when the body is producing a high amount of cholesterol?

By going back to its function one could hypothesise that it is in a state of repair. From what? Ever heard of free-radicals? Try this on for size: "Once these naked, wildly destructive electrons [free radicals] are on the loose, they also eat holes in arteries that then attract nature's band-aid: cholesterol.” (2)

So what happens when we take statins (cholesterol-reducing drugs)? “Instead of seeing cholesterol as a messenger of free radical overload, or a call to arms to find the underlying problem and fix it, we kill the messenger (cholesterol) with drugs. Unfortunately, the cholesterol-lowering drugs, act by inhibiting the enzyme HMG COA reductase, which turns off the body's ability to make coenzyme Q10. This deficiency guarantees that the victim will go on to get high blood pressure, heart failure, cancer or other consequences.” (2)

Statins – the wonder drug?

Statins, the new “wonder drugs” are currently the top-selling medicines in the world with annual sales of more than US$ 19 billion. In the UK according to the NHS, doctors wrote 31 million prescriptions for statins in 2003, up from 1 million in 1995 at a cost of 7 billion pounds. (3)

That’s a lot of money being taken away from an already depleted health service to fund a drug that’s effectiveness in increasing life expectancy is questionable and has shown to cause serious side-effects.

Here are just a few more facts about statins:

“The November 2003 issue of Smart Money magazine reports on a 1999 study at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London (apparently unpublished), which found that 36 percent of patients on Lipitor’s highest dose reported side effects; even at the lowest dose, 10 percent reported side effects.” (1)

“Active people are much more likely to develop problems from statin use than those who are sedentary. In a study carried out in Austria, only six out of 22 athletes with familial hypercholesterolemia were able to endure statin treatment. The others discontinued treatment because of muscle pain.” (1)

Vioxx – another wonder drug

It has however been estimated that one such wonder drug, Vioxx, could have caused 27,785 heart attacks or deaths since it was approved for use in 1999. In September 2004 Vioxx was withdrawn due to health fears. Today, more than 4,200 lawsuits have been filed against Merck, the company responsible for the drug, and yet still Merck’s lawyers claim that "there is no reliable scientific evidence that shows Vioxx causes cardiac arrhythmia.” (4)

Why is cholesterol the enemy? Good question

Dr Paul J. Rosch gives a better understanding of how results can be manipulated in his article “More on the Preposterous Polypill Panacea”. Rosch examines the new Polypill (a pill combining a statin and various other drugs, claiming to reduce heart disease by 80%) and outlines the concepts of how researchers use the terms ‘relative risk-reduction’, ‘absolute risk-reduction’ and ‘number needed’ to treat to spin the truth. This brings to mind a comment made by Harry Truman: “If you can’t convince them, confuse them.” (5)

Your 3d Coach

Craig Burton


(1) Fallon, S and Enig, M PhD., Dangers of statin drugs: what you haven’t been told about popular cholesterol-lowering medicines, available at

(2) Dr. Sherry Rogers, Detox or Die, Sandkey Co., 2002

(3) Barrett, A and Carey, J. Business link online, Wondering about a wonder drug, November 22, 2004, available at

(4) BBC News, US giant punished for faulty drug, 20/08/2005, available at []

(5) Rosch, P., More on the preposterous, Polypill Panacea, 08/06/2003,

available at

About the Author:

Craig Burton is the founder of 3d pts, a prominent European based holistic health and fitness coach with more than 15 years experience. He is a Sports Science graduate of Edith Cowan University and has postgraduate accreditations in nutrition, massage, athletic training, and corrective exercise therapy.

Craig is the author of "The 21 Day Roadmap to Health", available at

If you enjoyed this article, please feel free to forward it to others, just make sure that his name and URL are included. For more information and articles on health and fitness visit [].

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Discover Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol - Save Money While Building a Healthier Heart

For many individuals, when they learned that they need to lower their cholesterol, they really are uncertain what the best thing to do is. Natural ways to lower cholesterol are far better than using cholesterol medication. After a very short period of time of changing your eating habits and getting a little more exercise, you will feel better and have more energy.

You see, the best way to lower cholesterol is free. There are no pills to buy. No unnecessary trips to the doctor. And you can actually save money by spending less on red meat than you had previously been doing. That's because the most effective ways of lowering cholesterol involves reducing the amount of saturated fat in your diet and substantially increasing the amounts of high fiber vegetables, fruits and nuts.

Fiber is important because it efficiently removes cholesterol from your body. As a matter fact, cholesterol actually attaches itself to fiber in the digestive system so that it is eliminated. However, it is equally important to remove saturated fats from your diet.

Now don't get me wrong. You can still have the occasional beef, but it needs to be lean cuts such as sirloin pork tenderloin, and you should consume it on a less regular basis.

I have found that a great substitute for ground beef is ground turkey when seasoned properly. As a matter of fact it is more enjoyable than ground beef because it lacks all the grease found in hamburger.

You will also want to take a serious look at the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Empty carbs such as white rice and potatoes can quickly increase cholesterol levels. However, the opposite is also true. By eliminating these types of foods, and replacing them with high fiber foods such as brown rice or wild rice, triglyceride levels drop rapidly.

If you really want to find natural ways to lower cholesterol diet is the place to begin. I invite you to visit my website where you can learn about other steps you can take to lower your cholesterol and improve your overall health.

Keep these things in mind next time as you go to the grocery store and focus on some cholesterol lowering foods that will actually make you healthier in the long run. That's one thing medication cannot do for you.

Van Crawford has been studying health and nutrition for over 10 years as he has researched ways to lower his own cholesterol levels. Visit his website now for more information on powerful ways to improve your health and lower your cholesterol: Tips For Lowering Cholesterol

Saturday, December 25, 2010

American Heart Association Cholesterol Lowering Information For Women

According to the American Heart Association, estrogen, the female sex hormone, has the tendency to raise high-density lipoprotein (hdl) or good cholesterol. Naturally then, women have higher hdl than men. Isn't this wonderful news to all the women out there?

Studies show that the production of estrogen is highest during the childbearing years. This means that a woman's hdl level during this period of time is at its peak.. That is why women are less likely to develop heart disease before they reach menopausal age.

However, that does not mean that women should be complacent and not watch their health and diet before their menopause. After all, according to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death for women in the US.

The American Heart Association mentioned that postmenopausal hormone therapy (PHT) may benefit some women with osteoporosis. However, trials have shown that it does not reduce nor eliminate the possibility of stroke and heart problems. Also, women with a personal or family history of breast cancer are advised not to go for PHT.

It is suggested that women go for their first cholesterol screening at the age of 20. A test may also be done at a younger age for those who start taking birth control pills before turning 20. If the test shows that they have high cholesterol levels, they should go for a test every year until their cholesterol levels become normal. After that, women are generally recommended to have their tests taken at intervals of five years.

Cholesterol levels of women are measured the same way as that for men. A lipid profile is taken. This is a series of simple blood tests that show the distribution, types, and amount of various lipids (fats) found in the bloodstream. These lipids include cholesterol and triglycerides.

Lipoproteins are the ones that carry cholesterol in the blood. The two kinds of lipoproteins are the high-density lipoproteins (hdl) or good cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins (ldl or bad cholesterol).

Hdl is considered good because it eliminates excess cholesterol from the blood as well as from the arterial walls. Excess cholesterol causes plaque build-up in the arteries which may eventually lead to a stroke or a heart attack. Ldl is considered bad because it sticks to the arterial walls and contributes to the plaque.

The American Heart Association recommends ldl cholesterol lowering drug for most women with heart disease. Other than that she must get adequate exercise, eat balanced and wholesome meals and not smoke.

However cholesterol supplements are much better than prescription drugs because they have less side effects compared to statin.

Moreover there is a wide range of cholesterol supplements. There is even a natural lowering cholesterol product called Bios Life that combines all four of the known approaches to lowering harmful cholesterol as follows:

1. Blocks cholesterol from being re-absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract

2. Prevents cholesterol which comes from the food from being absorbed

3. Reduces the cholesterol produced by the liver

4. Enhances enzymatic breakdown and removal of bad cholesterol.

Do you know anyone who might like to know about a product like that?