Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tips on How to Lower Cholesterol Levels

The moment one is advised by their doctor that they have high cholesterol usually leads to momentous levels of stress. The first question is usually how to lower the cholesterol levels as quickly as they can. Doctors sometimes may be quick to offer prescription drugs, which are never fun to take.

Frequent exercising and dietary changes are two vital changes to implement sooner rather than later. Yes, this may not sound as easy as simply popping a pill. But it is a basic requirement. Even your doctor will typically tell you so.

The next step is to add suitable natural cholesterol lowering agents to the daily diet. There are very healthy options to consider including natural supplements. You should always consult a doctor before taking supplements all the same for reasons we shall see next.

A person always needs to be aware of the contra-indications associated with these supplements. An example is artichoke extract that can reduce cholesterol but there are people who are prone to allergic reactions from this. Some people experience the discomfort of gas. Beta-sitosterol that is incorporated in margarine may lead to constipation, diarrhea, indigestion and nausea.

There are exceptions to the rule as many side effects are temporary and the most important aspect is lower the cholesterol levels, which may be in more natural supplementation. A doctor will be able to advise you accordingly.

One should also (always) let the doctor know even when taking herbal options to reduce blood fat as certain herbs may counteract or interact with clinical medicine.

Healthy lifestyle choices are usually the best solution to reach desired results. It is not to say that one should ignore what a doctor prescribed. Some cases do need medical intervention.

Seed husk, fish oil, ground flax-seed, garlic extract and green tea extract are natural alternatives to look for in products for lowering cholesterol levels. They are well-known for natural health management and to aid with lowering blood fats.

Reducing cholesterol levels is often not that hard if one is willing to make some lifestyle changes. Simple dietary changes together with medication whether conventional or herbal supplements, bring the positive changes in approximately fifty days. Considering how many years it takes the body to build up the undesired levels, fifty days is a very short time.

Exercise is a very important element in reducing these levels. Mere walking can aid in the exercise regime. It can help reduce LDL, the bad cholesterol, and increase HDL, the good cholesterol.

For those who do not exercise, brisk walking is a good start. A forty-five minute walk is all it takes after taking supper. One should also attempt to walk at least ten thousand steps per day. It can be monitored with a pedometer. These changes together with the correct cholesterol reducing agents can surely work wonders toward lowering cholesterol levels.

You can lower your cholesterol levels without statin drugs. Check out natural cholesterol supplements now. David Kamau offers free information and tips about vitamins and health supplements at his site.

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