Showing posts with label Really. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Really. Show all posts

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Do You Really Need A Pill to Lower Your Cholesterol Count?

Why has our society today come to believe that we need a pill for every ill?

Is it because we just simply accept what the medical profession says to us? Or is it because we are just too lazy to take responsibility for the choices we make? By implication we are actually saying I'll just live my life the way I want to, eat what I want to, drink what I want and if anything goes wrong I'll just go to the doctors and he will just give me a pill to cure it?

In my opinion the problem is that most people in society today just believe what their doctor tells them without ever questioning whether or not they are right.

Our society has been brought up to believe that if a doctor says it then it must be true. If the doctor talks about cholesterol numbers, cholesterol count, or cholesterol hdl ldl being too high then Joe Public just expects he is going to get a pill and he will take it in most cases without questioning.

To be honest the problem doesn't just lie with the public not questioning the status quo, part of the problem is he has to a large extent been deceived into thinking certain things are good for him when in fact they are harmful.

Take for example margarine, it was hailed as a miracle invention that would help to lower your cholesterol count or your cholesterol numbers when in actual fact the Trans-fats or hydrogenated oils contained in margarine have been doing an immense amount of damage to the arteries of the users since the products first came out.

Now it has been said that 'what you don't know won't kill you' but that is not true in this case. The hydrogenated oils help to form the plaque that close up the arteries and causes a heart attack. The emphasis of the medical profession is to lower the cholesterol count which is really just treating the symptoms. What should be emphasized is we should be getting rid of the plaque buildup in the arteries.

Now the general public didn't know this until recently and what you don't know you can't really be blamed for. However the evidence today is overwhelming and so each person should be considering the implications of their own health and start to change their lifestyles.

You can indeed lower your cholesterol without ever needing to take a pill and at the same time you are accomplishing this you can be dissolving the plaque buildup in your arteries. Click on the link below and visit the website for the vitamin supplements that combined with a healthy lifestyle can reverse arterial damage.

Heart disease is the major killer today in the western world. Congestive heart failure, heart attack, heart attack symptoms, and heart disease, are primarily avoidable but you need to know what to do and then you need to do it.

I hope that you enjoyed this article if you did then sign up for my free newsletter at where you will learn health tips secrets and ways to build great health!

Hal - Runs several limited companies and consults on a diverse range of business aspects. He is a keen sportsman and has a sense of good humour.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Natural Cholesterol Lowering Remedies - You Really Are What You Eat

The good news is that natural cholesterol lowering remedies are free. The bad news is that they can also be difficult to implement. This is because fairly radical lifestyle changes are involved that none of us find easy to achieve.

Forget about the story the pharmaceutical companies are trying to sell you. Bad cholesterol is not caused by a lack of some chemical in your body. It is caused by lifestyle choices such as eating too much of the wrong foods. Or, not exercising sensibly. An intelligent person such as yourself knows that to be true. As they say, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Right? No amount of chemicals will fix the problem unless you attend to these issues as well.

Come on now, lets be honest with each other. You just had the thought run through your mind; here we go again, he's going to tell me I have to start eating all those no flavor cardboard foods. Well, not so fast my friend.

Changing your diet doesn't mean that you have to give up on your favorite foods. You just have to change the proportion that they make up of your total food intake, and pay attention to how they are prepared. This can save you money as well as, wait for it; actually improve their flavors. Yes it's true, you might find that you enjoy them even more.

Next time you feel like having a few fatty lamb chops fried in their own drippings, and of course, we got to have a big old pile of french frys on the side, think again. That's about the worst meal you can have, but it doesn't mean you have to starve.

How about we cut the fat off of one chop, grill it on a wire rack so the fat drains off, and serve it with mashed potato and a green salad. Now that wasn't to bad was it? You'll even find the true flavors come through better. You also won't have heartburn or a bad night to follow.

OK, now for the exercising part. No, you don't have to run the the gym every day. My how we jump to conclusions. How about after your healthy meal, you did make it healthy didn't you, don't just lay around on the couch with the remote. Instead take the dog or just yourself for a gentle walk around the neighborhood. Enjoy feeling your food and emotions settle into an easy going mode. Admit to yourself that a lifestyle change is not unpleasant and not impossible either.

Above everything else, make sure you enjoy your new lifestyle. If you find yourself not looking forward to the natural cholesterol lowering remedies you are following, think again. What's the alternative, living on chemical pills the rest of your life? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that's not for you, you wouldn't be reading this article if it was. Anyway didn't your doctor tell you, even if those drugs do lower your cholesterol, if you ever stop taking them it will go right back up again. You deserve better.

Don't just eat things because they are good for you. Eat them because you also like them. The same applies to exercise. Do it because you enjoy doing it. There are enough exercise routines around to ensure something to suit everyone.

While there may not be a boat-load of Natural Cholesterol Lowering Remedies, there are many more than you may realize. Why not give yourself a chance at a chemical free life.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Natural Cholesterol Lowering Techniques That Really Work

If you were recently in for a doctor's visit and he told you those words that no one wants to hear, "Your cholesterol levels are too high", then it is time to think about what you can do to solve the problem. Rather than looking for a pill to pop once a day, you should work on natural cholesterol lowering techniques to ensure that not only is the problem suppressed, but it disappears completely and leaves you totally healthy.

One natural supplement that can help is anything that contains soy in it. This great and healthy food is often overlooked by the majority of the population, but it can have so many positive benefits and can really improve your overall health.

Although this may not be something that you are used to snacking on, there are many delicious recipes that include soy where you can find many creative ways to incorporate it into your meals. Try sauteing it in soy sauce and adding it to a salad or snack on crunchy soy nuts that are tasty and can replace fattening junk food.

Another healthy solution is the incorporation of oat bran into your diet. Many cereals are fortified with this beneficial and healthy supplement and you can easily get your daily fix in this way or you can look to bake tasty foods with this important ingredient. You can create hearty breakfast muffins or crunchy cookies that include oat bran for an interesting twist on old tastes that will lower your cholesterol as you enjoy.

Of course, there is more to this method than just snacking, so at the same time that you try out these new foods, try to remove certain damaging things from your diet. Red meat and butter are poisonous for someone with high cholesterol, as are egg yolks, fatty cheeses, and whole milk. When indulging in dairy products, stick to low-fat choices such as reduced fat cheese and one percent or skim milk.

Vegetable oil is another thing that you should look to eliminate or use as sparingly as possible, so try to dress your salads with olive oil, which is much better for you. When you saute on the stove top, use a cooking spray instead of the two tablespoons of oil that a lot of recipes call for and you can easily reduce your intake in a way that no one will notice.

Natural cholesterol lowering is the best way to get yourself back on track and erase your problem because it not only lowers your dangerous cholesterol levels, but it also improves your overall health. If you learn to make these healthy habits a way of life, you will find that the benefits are endless and that you will be full of energy and feel great.

High cholesterol is dangerous and it is crucial to control it at the earliest. To learn about supplements that can help lower cholesterol more naturally,

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cholesterol Lowering Drugs - Do You Really Need Them?

Do you really need cholesterol lowering drugs? Does anyone? This article looks at the controversy surrounding the subject.

To the mainstream medical community statins are a valuable tool in the prevention of heart disease and strokes. To a small, but growing number of medical professionals, statins are dangerous and unnecessary.

Since the 1950s, the popular theory has been that high intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol-rich foods are the primary cause of heart disease and atherosclerosis. This theory has been disproven on several occasions, by scientists that have examined the traditional dietary habits of isolated populations.

For example, the diet of the Greenland Eskimo population was very high in fat. 50% or more of the daily caloric intake of the population was from fat. Yet, there was practically no heart disease in the population.

Another example was found in the South of France. Again, the diet was very high in saturated fat and cholesterol, but the incidence of heart disease was low.

The traditional Mediterranean diet is another example. Foods high in fat, such as olives, olive oil, fatty fish, nuts and avocados were popular. But, the incidence of heart disease and obesity was low.

Some doctors and pharmaceutical companies advocate the use of cholesterol lowering drugs, as a rule, not an exception. The typical course of action taken today is dietary counseling and encouraging physical activity in combination with prescribing statins.

The doctors don't even wait to see if diet and exercise have the desired effect, before writing a prescription. With all of the contradictions and controversy, why does this practice continue?

That's hard to say. The reason might be all of the television advertising that the pharmaceutical companies are allowed to do. Those ads make it seem like everyone should talk to their doctors about cholesterol lowering drugs.

Another reason might be the continued search for a miracle drug; some pills that will help everyone live a long and healthy life. In truth, there are no magic pills. But, there are answers.

Statins were originally found and extracted from the oyster mushroom, a Japanese delicacy. Other Japanese mushrooms, such as Shitake, have natural anti-inflammatory activity. These health benefits are not present in commercial button mushrooms or Portobello varieties.

The explanation for the contradictions seen in dietary habits of non-US populations has to do with the "type" of fats consumed, not the amount. Olives, fatty fish, nuts and avocados contain a relatively high amount of omega-3 fatty acids. The red wine consumed in the South of France might make a difference, too.

In other words, if we could teach people how to eat, they might not need cholesterol lowering drugs. Research has proven that the unnatural trans-fatty acids created when vegetable oils are partially hydrogenated cause and increase in LDL (bad) particles and a decrease in HDL (good) particles.

Researchers have also found that nutrients present in raw sugar cane, black tea, green tea, rice bran, pumpkin seeds and other foods help to increase the good particles and lower the number of bad ones. Prescriptions are now written for fish oils, because they are known, without a doubt to lower triglycerides or fats in the bloodstream and raise HDL levels.

Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly is important. Taking some good dietary supplements is important, too. Very few people actually need cholesterol lowering drugs.

If you are concerned about your cholesterol levels, talk with your physician before deciding to use natural cholesterol lowering supplements for reducing high cholesterol.

Want to know more? Click here for more information on lowering cholesterol naturally natural cholesterol supplements for a safe natural alternative to help you balance your blood cholesterol levels.