Friday, December 24, 2010

Shocking Cholesterol Lowering Drug Effects Exposed And What The Best Alternative Is

Without doubt, the most popular cholesterol lowering drugs on the market are statins. Yet despite their extensive use, there is no significant decrease in the number of people developing coronary heart disease across the world. What does this tell you? That there is a total lack of honesty about the use of statins and cholesterol lowering drug effects in general, right across the board.

The pharmaceutical industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and the use of statins has been accelerated thanks to massive advertising, and the downward adjustment of the recommended safe cholesterol levels. Patients are usually advised to stay on statins for the rest of their lives, making statins the most profitable drugs ever produced.

Let's take a look at the cholesterol lowering drug effects that statins are responsible for:

Nausea Diarrhoea Upset Stomach Headaches Rashes Constipation Depression Lack of Sleep Muscle Aches Irritability Tingling Numbness Dizziness Swelling Weight Gain Blurred Vision Shortness Of Breath Severe Muscle Weakness and Pain Memory Loss Cognitive Impairment Impotence Birth Defects Liver Damage Increased Risk Of Heart Failure

And in some cases, certain statins were removed from the market, but only after multiple reported deaths. Still want to take them?

Look, we all want to trust our doctors and feel assured that what we are prescribed will not do us any harm. But the fact is, doctors are part of the pharmaceutical business, whether you like to acknowledge that or not. Sales reps are calling into them all the time, with the next super pill for them to recommend.

I am a former high cholesterol sufferer and I was put on statins for years, without being advised of any of the cholesterol lowering drug effects they could cause. And let me tell you, I experienced quite a few from the above list, the worse being liver damage.

From that point on, I made a conscious decision, despite a history of heart disease in my family, to never take another prescription pill again!

And I can honestly tell you, that was the single, best decision of my life! I now have excellent cholesterol levels, I have lost a pile of the weight I gained from those prescription drugs, I have loads of energy and I feel absolutely fantastic!

Even when I was on statins, I had several heart scares, and was rushed to hospital. I failed several stress tests. But now, I could do a stress test in my sleep!

How did I achieve all this and reverse the cholesterol lowering drug effects? Three simple things - diet, exercise and a quality natural cholesterol supplement.

Oh I still eat my favourite foods, but now I eat them in moderation. I had a ferocious appetite when I was taking statins. I don't belong to a gym, I just have a walk or cycle when I can.

But the natural supplement I used, and continue to use, was the real key, as it completely balanced my cholesterol levels. The ingredients and their quantities are what give it the advantage over other so-called successful natural products.

If you feel ready to finally take charge of managing your cholesterol levels, and getting great heart health, then visit my website today, where I share, what I personally successfully used, and continue to use, for excellent cholesterol levels and super heart health, with no side effects.

Scared of Statins? 5 Ways Chia Seeds Can Help You Lower Your Cholesterol

All you have to do is turn on the TV and you'll know that millions of people have a cholesterol problem. Major drug companies can't seem to advertise their pharmaceuticals enough! However, if the idea of spending loads of money on prescriptions every month isn't something you enjoy, it might be time to look for another, healthier solution.

You might have also noticed that Statin Drugs have come under a negative light in some studies. It's known that they deplete body levels of Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10) which is something your heart needs in order to function correctly. They can also deplete other critical nutrients from the body, and sometimes lower good cholesterol as well. Sure, you can supplement with Co-Q10 pills, but that's even more money out of your pocket! So aside from all the expense, do you really want to risk these negative effects?
The good news is, you can lower your cholesterol naturally, and inexpensively through food. You may have seen the claims on famous products like Cheerie-o's (TM) and Quaker Oats (TM), that "soluble fiber combined with a low saturated fat diet may reduce the risk of heart disease". There's more to it then that, and it's all beneficial to you!
A low fat diet is great, but you also need some pro-active cholesterol cleaners in your corner if you really want to beat down the threat of hardening arteries and cholesterol clogs. The key isn't to avoid all fats or cholesterol sources, because your body actually needs some to function properly. It's the ability to sweep away the bad and encourage the good that will lead to better health.
Your key to success can be the Chia Seed, but only if you take action.
How can tiny seeds you've never heard of put the brakes one such a big problem as cholesterol? There are so many ways, and you can examine each one in this article. Read exactly about how each fascinating facet benefits you:
First: Soluble Fiber

The exterior of the chia seed is covered in soluble fiber. But this isn't just any soluble fiber, like that of an oat or flax seed. The fiber of Chia is special, in that it can absorb NINE times the weight of the seed in water, and hold it close to the surface. When it does this, it forms a bead of gel, with the consistency of a gelatin snack. This gel isn't easily removed from the seed. It takes the digestive system a while to use and remove it, thus hydrating the colon and easing digestion.
Second: Insoluble fiber

Insoluble fiber cannot be digested or absorbed by the body. It is sometimes referred to as "Roughage" and acts as a sweeper in the intestines. When food doesn't sit around or become overly dry in the colon, toxic substances don't build up. Unfriendly bacteria doesn't get the chance to go to work. When insoluble fiber is taking up space in the digestive system, you're more likely to feel full for longer and thus not eat as much at meal time. Losing excess weight is another key to keeping cholesterol down.
Third: Unsaturated Fatty Acids

These may sound complicated, but they're important for cell respiration (oxygen transported into cells), the lubrication and resilience of cells. There's an especially important fatty acid that your body can't make. It's called "Linoleic". You usually get this from raw plant-source foods...but who gets enough of those these days? With Chia Seeds, you won't have to worry about it. They're rich in this important nutrient.

How are these important for your cholesterol? They combine with cholesterol in the body to form membranes that hold cells together. It puts cholesterol to good use, but only if you have enough of it to make the combination!
Fourth: Long-Chain triglycerides

These large molecules take a stand to scrub cholesterol off of artery walls, but only when eaten in the right proportions. Chia seeds have these long chain triglycerides in the right proportions to help reduce it for you.
Fifth: Risk Factors

Reducing or eliminating risk factors for high cholesterol is important as well. Some risk factors you can't do anything about, like heredity. But others such as obesity and diabetes you can help to control with Chia. (The soluble fiber in chia seeds helps control blood sugar levels by slowing down the transformation of carbohydrates into sugars)
Understanding that not all fats are bad, and taking in healthy oils is an important part of a balanced diet. There are so many delicious chia seed recipes, including breakfast bars, granola, fruit smoothies and more that adding this tiny seed to your diet is a snap.

What makes it extra amazing is, that unlike other health foods, you can make these seeds taste like whatever you want. They absorb any liquid they're placed in, (Remember Fact #1) and distribute the flavor. They have no flavor of their own, so they can't cover up or 'ruin' the taste of foods you love. They're as easy to use as 'measure & sprinkle on'! No messy grinding or any preparation is needed.
With the chia seed, you get all the nutrition, and all the taste. Remember: "You Are What You Eat" so eating healthy is a big step toward being healthy. Chia isn't some foreign miracle-berry or fruit grown in a far off land and sold at a premium price either--these seeds cost under a dollar a day. (for most brands)

If you're looking for an all natural, pesticide free, delicious and EASY way to lower your cholesterol, consider adding chia seeds to your diet, you'll be amazed at what they can do for you!

Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements That Work

A healthy and low cholesterol level is a great thing for your body. A majority of the world's heart attacks and strokes are caused by bad cholesterol. The cause is the tightening of your arteries and the improper flow of fluids through the body. One of the best things you can do is take the right natural cholesterol lowering supplements day to day.

One of the top ten supplements people can take is garlic. This can be used to up your good cholesterol and lower your bad. It is recommended that if you are taking blood thinners then you should not take garlic supplements.

Artichoke extract and fish oil are good for lowering cholesterol as well. Fish oil helps with cholesterol through it's Omega-3 fatty acids. The recommended intake per day is 3-4 milligrams. It is also recommended to take 900 milligrams two times a day of the artichoke extract, but do not take it if you are allergic to artichokes.

Margarine contains something called sitostanol. Studies have shown that taking 4-5 tsp a day can help with cholesterol levels. But if taken in a pill then you would need about 800 milligrams a day. Guggulipid has many health benefits as well as lowering bad cholesterol.

You may know what barley and flax seed are, but most people don't know the nutritional value it has for lowering your cholesterol. Due to flax seed's flavor it is recommended to eat it in cereal or yogurt. But the recommended intake is about 40-50 grams a day. The easier of the two to take is barley. In flour form you should take about 30 grams daily. If you want to take it in an oil extract form, 3 grams a day is the best amount.

A supplement called psyllium, found mainly in Metamucil, lowers bad cholesterol diseases about 15-20%. For the best result it is suggested to take about 10 grams a day for the maximum benefit. Phytosterol is found in everyday items like margarine and orange juice. This makes it one of the top taken supplements to take.

In China they have been testing a new way to lower cholesterol. The supplement is called cholestin. It is not available in the US yet, but when it comes, it will most probably go behind the counter and will need a prescription. It seems it will work for more of the serious cholesterol cases. It showed a 20% drop in cholesterol levels.

Raising good cholesterol and lowering the bad can be a hard task. But the benefits are unbelievable. Your risk of heart attacks and strokes go down. You also have more energy and a better attitude all around. The toll of bad cholesterol can effect everyone in your life as well as yourself.


Knowing these natural cholesterol lowering supplements that work is just half of the picture. Find out how to naturally control your cholesterol levels and lower triglycerides to avoid the risk of serious heart problems.

Why Doctors Think Cholesterol Lowering Drugs Will Solve My Problem and How I Know They Won't

Let's start with the money. Cholesterol lowering drugs are the top earners for the pharmaceutical industries. In 2004 Pfizer netted $10.9 billion in sales from their cholesterol-lowering drug atorvastatin (popularly known as Lipitor). It beats their other wonder drug - Viagra!

Consider another statin called Crestor costs $1,400 a year for the 20-milligram dose. That is more than $3.80 per day. Now, if you are told that a high cholesterol level means you are about to have a heart attack you will want to pay $3.80 per day - for the rest of your life, even! That is what synthetic drug therapy for high cholesterol and most of these lifestyle-related conditions amounts to anyway. This means big profits for the pharmaceutical industries.

Most patients are "lazy" and unwilling to change their poor habits, and doctors know that. They know that we tend to want to do the same things that make us sick, such as enjoy the high cholesterol foods, neglect exercise and the healthy habits, and not suffer for it. Therefore, pills are great cover-ups. So we eat more cholesterol and stifle our liver - preventing it from functioning normally.

Drug Research and Medical Claims

From a study of 18,000 people using the cholesterol-lowering drug Crestor, the report claims that that Crestor reduced heart attacks and strokes by a whopping 50%. However, what does this mean when you translate this into practical meaning for your life?

It means that "Ninety-five people would need to be treated for two years to prevent one event." Drug companies report this as a 50% reduction in heart attacks and strokes! Using this relative risk reduction interpretation is very effective in advertising, but will your doctor tell you about the number needed to treat?

Prescribing these cholesterol lowering drugs pay good kickbacks for pharmacies and medical institutions. There appears to be a strong alliance between the Drug Monitoring agencies and the manufacturers. Notice that a drug is only pulled from the market if the collateral damage (this is a war of sorts) becomes too high. Side effects are considered normal, but any natural remedy or food that intimates a cure of preventative value is labeled as "evil".

With a good diet, regular light exercise (in my own home), and safe health habits, I am able to maintain a total cholesterol level of around 143 mg/dl. We can do better preventing a heart attack or a stroke than the statistical 1 out of every 95. They call that a 50% relative reduction risk, but that looks like a sales gimmick to me. And don't put that in my drinking water either...

One British doctor even suggested that it be made mandatory that statins be put in drinking water...

So it is the money. It is the whole reason why doctors will think that cholesterol lowering drugs are the solution to you high cholesterol situation. In fact, the JUPITER study is trying to prove just that, and one British doctor even advocated that it should be made mandatory that statins be put in drinking water.

You have got to be determined to win the high cholesterol war or you could become just another cholesterol statistic - legally dosed to death!

Copyright ? 2008 by Bentley Thompson

Bentley writes about lifestyle-related conditions such as diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular diseases. He advocates the anti-diabetes diet which he describes on his websites. You may read more of his articles at

Finding Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements That Can Help You Reduce Cholesterol Naturally

Keeping a low and healthy cholesterol level is very important. High cholesterol is one of the main causes of strokes and heart attacks. This is from your arteries narrowing so that your fluid aren't flowing correctly. Taking natural cholesterol lowering supplements is by far the best thing you could do.

Garlic is one of the top 10 natural supplements that can be used to lower your bad cholesterol and raise your good. Doctors do recommend not taking garlic supplements if you are taking blood thinning medication. Fish oil and artichoke extract are also recommended. The Omega-3 fatty acids in the fish oil have been known to help lower cholesterol levels. You only need about 3-4 milligrams per day however. It is recommended to take about 900 milligrams twice a day of the artichoke supplements.

Sitostanol can be found in margarine. You need about 4-5 teaspoons a day in that form. If taken in a supplement or pill then you need about 800 milligrams a day. On top of many other health benefits, guggulipid is another way to lower cholesterol.

Flaxseed and barley are a little better known. But not many people knew they were good for lowering cholesterol. Flaxseed can be taken in cereal or yogurt to dull the taste. It is recommended to take 40-50 grams daily. Barley is an easy supplement to take. You can take 3 grams in oil extract form or 30 grams in barley flour daily.

Found mostly in Metamucil, psyllium lowers cholesterol diseases from 15-20%. It is suggested to take 10 grams daily for the best result. Phytosterol is one of the top supplements used to lower cholesterol because it has been added to a number of everyday products like orange juice and margarine.

The number one natural way of lowering cholesterol has been tested in China. The United States won't give approval, because much of the ingredients are used for our prescription drugs. It is called cholestin. In Chinese studies, it lowered cholesterol levels by 20%.

Don't underestimate the power of exercise and sleep as well. Sleep helps rejuvenate your body. Exercise helps clean toxins out of your body. Both of these brings your body to a cleaner and better point getting it ready to get rid of bad cholesterol.

Lowering bad cholesterol can be a hard task. The benefits are exponential. Not only does your risk of stroke and heart attacks go down, but you live longer. You have more energy on top of an all around better attitude. Bad cholesterol can take a toll on you and everyone in your life.


Knowing these natural cholesterol lowering supplements is just half of the picture. Find out how to naturally control your cholesterol levels and lower triglycerides to avoid the risk of serious heart problems.

Cholesterol-Lowering Foods - Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

You can't turn on a TV without being bombarded with cholesterol lowering drug ads because there are 105 million adults in the US with cholesterol levels higher than they should be. It's the way we do things; take a pill and make it better. Are statins effective? Yes, they are or the FDA would not have approved them. But what the ads don't feature is that there can be significant side affects from taking statin drugs including difficulty sleeping, nausea, dizziness, and muscle aches.

But there are steps you can take to lower your cholesterol levels naturally, without taking drugs and putting up with unwanted side affects. Here are the most important:

Limit Your Intake of Cholesterol Be aware of how much cholesterol is in the foods you choose. Limiting dietary cholesterol will also reduce saturated fats as they usually go side by side in the same foods.

Eat Regularly Missing a meal often leads to overeating. There is nothing wrong with eating 5 or 6 times a day if they are "mini" meals and stop your food cravings. If you are tempted to overeat anytime you are around food, then the three scheduled meal plan is probably better.

Get Exercise Your body was designed to move about and it works better when it is exercised. Improved muscle tone, blood flow, raised "good" (HDL) cholesterol levels, and controls body sugars.

Drink Water 32 to 64 ounces a day is recommended. Sound like a lot, but you will have more energy and will eat less.

Limit Calories from Fat Eat a minimum of trans-fatty acids (butter, salad dressing, ice cream).

Eat a mix of protein Maintain a balance of vegetable, fish, and meat protein. Increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

Eat More Vegetables and Fruits Nature has provided us with powerful natural methods to fight high cholesterol and heart disease. These sources of dietary fiber also help reduce "bad" (LDL} cholesterol.

I am not for a minute suggesting that, if you are under a physician's care and have been prescribed medication for cholesterol that you should stop and instead take up the steps above. If you are on medication, stay on it.

What I am pointing out is that we can help ourselves reduce our cholesterol levels with some pretty easy life style choices and lead a much healthier, happy lifestyle.

If you are ready to make these changes, one of the most challenging is how to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet to the recommended 5 servings daily. I recommend using smoothies as the medium to get the fruit and or vegetables you need. They are easy to make, low calorie, and there is an almost infinite number of recipes so you will not get bored.

Would you want a dietary supplement that will help you control your cholesterol levels? Go to Mila Healthy Living.Com and read about this truly remarkable product.

Mila's properties include eight times more omega-3 fatty acid than salmon, twice the fiber of bran flakes, and six times more calcium than milk.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Options You Have When It Comes To Lowering Your Cholesterol

It doesn't matter how old you are or where you come from, having low cholesterol is important. If you cholesterol is bad, it's easy to see that you can increase the chances of having a heart attack or even a stroke. If you want to get a handle on cholesterol, then you will want to start with learning everything that you can about it.

You can find cholesterol all throughout the body. A lot of it is not healthy and you can get it by eating certain foods that aren't good for your health. Too much cholesterol can cause symptoms such as clogged arteries, heart blockage, and even death. One of the leading cause of high cholesterol is a food called bacon. We all love bacon but you should know that it and fatty foods contain a lot of cholesterol.

Maybe you have heard of cholesterol before and are wondering what different kinds there are. There are basically 2 types of cholesterol. They are called HDL and LDL cholesterol. HDL stands for high density lipoprotein and LDL stands for low density lipoprotein. Both exist within out bodies but the key is to balance them out to achieve overall health.

If you want to lower your cholesterol, you have a few options at your disposal. The first is using prescription drugs that your doctor can prescribe to you. They work well for some people and some people really don't like the idea of taking medicine to lower their cholesterol. It all depends on your goals and what you want to do.

The next option is the natural route. You can lower your cholesterol by taking a natural approach to it. There are tons of natural cholesterol lowers that are found in the foods that we eat. There are also natural remedies that you can take to lower your cholesterol. These natural remedies weren't created using pesticides or chemicals. One such herb that you can take is garlic.

Another natural remedy that helps to lower cholesterol is omega-3 fish oil. It was shown to decrease the risk of heart disease by as much as 40%. Also, the spice curcumin lowers cholesterol naturally too. There's a remedy made from myrrh tree that is known to reduce cholesterol also. It is called golgul gum resin, and it also helps you to lose weight also.

Niacin is also known to help reduce cholesterol. One thing you should know about cholesterol is that it comes in different forms. There's flush free niacin and then there's regular niacin. The main different between the two lies within the active ingredient. You should know that flush free niacin doesn't deliver the flush of regular niacin, but it also doesn't work as well as regular niacin too. I once heard that no flush equals no results, so you will want to keep this in mind when selecting the best niacin pill to take.

When it comes to lowering your cholesterol, you have a ton of options at your disposal. All the methods of lowering cholesterol mentioned in this article are there to help you lower your cholesterol simply and easily, so you should start using them right away.

Good luck with lowering your cholesterol.

FOR MORE INFO: Learn ideas for lowering your cholesterol and living healthier today.