Showing posts with label Count. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Count. Show all posts

Monday, December 27, 2010

Lowering Cholesterol Count - Proven Treatments For High Cholesterol

If you are among the thousands of Americans each day who learn that they have high cholesterol, then undoubtedly your doctor has made you aware of the importance of lowering cholesterol count and supporting healthy cholesterol levels.

Most likely he has recommended statin medication to make this happen. I am always amazed by how little doctors tell their patients about the best natural ways to lower high cholesterol. Yes, it is true that it is not as easy as just taking a pill, but natural cholesterol reduction is much healthier, safer and just as effective.

Does it surprise you when you hear that taking a natural approach to reducing high cholesterol levels is just as effective as medication? It surprised me too when I first learned that a diet to lower cholesterol has been shown to bring down cholesterol levels effectively.

But when it comes right down to it, this should not be surprising. The foods that lower cholesterol are the same foods that have been a part of healthy diets for centuries. You see, the most effective foods to lower cholesterol count include vegetables, whole grains and nuts.

All of these foods contain high amounts of fiber and plant sterols. The combination of fiber and sterols actually attacks cholesterol in two ways.

Sterols are very similar in molecular composition to cholesterol and are thus able to block the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream. Fiber on the other hand, actually eliminates cholesterol from the body before it has a chance to be absorbed.

I encourage you to fight the urge to treat your high cholesterol by taking a pill. Instead, the natural approach discussed here has side effects that include increased energy levels, and improved immune system and better overall health.

On my website I discuss effective natural ways to lower cholesterol. By visiting it, you will learn about foods and diets that have been proven effective to support healthy cholesterol readings.

Van Crawford has been studying health and nutrition for over 10 years as he has researched ways to lower his own cholesterol levels. Visit his website now for more information on powerful ways to improve your health and lower your cholesterol: Lowering Cholesterol

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Do You Really Need A Pill to Lower Your Cholesterol Count?

Why has our society today come to believe that we need a pill for every ill?

Is it because we just simply accept what the medical profession says to us? Or is it because we are just too lazy to take responsibility for the choices we make? By implication we are actually saying I'll just live my life the way I want to, eat what I want to, drink what I want and if anything goes wrong I'll just go to the doctors and he will just give me a pill to cure it?

In my opinion the problem is that most people in society today just believe what their doctor tells them without ever questioning whether or not they are right.

Our society has been brought up to believe that if a doctor says it then it must be true. If the doctor talks about cholesterol numbers, cholesterol count, or cholesterol hdl ldl being too high then Joe Public just expects he is going to get a pill and he will take it in most cases without questioning.

To be honest the problem doesn't just lie with the public not questioning the status quo, part of the problem is he has to a large extent been deceived into thinking certain things are good for him when in fact they are harmful.

Take for example margarine, it was hailed as a miracle invention that would help to lower your cholesterol count or your cholesterol numbers when in actual fact the Trans-fats or hydrogenated oils contained in margarine have been doing an immense amount of damage to the arteries of the users since the products first came out.

Now it has been said that 'what you don't know won't kill you' but that is not true in this case. The hydrogenated oils help to form the plaque that close up the arteries and causes a heart attack. The emphasis of the medical profession is to lower the cholesterol count which is really just treating the symptoms. What should be emphasized is we should be getting rid of the plaque buildup in the arteries.

Now the general public didn't know this until recently and what you don't know you can't really be blamed for. However the evidence today is overwhelming and so each person should be considering the implications of their own health and start to change their lifestyles.

You can indeed lower your cholesterol without ever needing to take a pill and at the same time you are accomplishing this you can be dissolving the plaque buildup in your arteries. Click on the link below and visit the website for the vitamin supplements that combined with a healthy lifestyle can reverse arterial damage.

Heart disease is the major killer today in the western world. Congestive heart failure, heart attack, heart attack symptoms, and heart disease, are primarily avoidable but you need to know what to do and then you need to do it.

I hope that you enjoyed this article if you did then sign up for my free newsletter at where you will learn health tips secrets and ways to build great health!

Hal - Runs several limited companies and consults on a diverse range of business aspects. He is a keen sportsman and has a sense of good humour.