Saturday, December 25, 2010

What Are Some Home Remedies For Lowering Cholesterol?

Nowadays, so many people are overweight that it is clear that the majority of the country is not particularly health-conscious. Fast food places abound and with the advance of technology, the general population is more sedentary than ever before. All of these factors lead to much higher cholesterol than is healthy, so if you are looking to lower your own, than here are some home remedies for lowering cholesterol that should help you.

Although there are many prescription medicines out there that can do the trick, it is a good idea to start with simple home solutions that you can do yourself. This will have two benefits for you.

First of all, medications can be very expensive. If you do not try to correct the problem in natural, healthy ways, but simply rely on a pill or bottle to do the trick for you, then you are resigning yourself to a lifetime of paying a lot of money. The higher your cholesterol rises, the less likely the insurance companies are to be friendly and you might find yourself paying quite a large sum out-of-pocket.

Secondly, a fix that you can do yourself at home will not only work to control the problem, but over time and with great effort, it can even correct the problem. Whereas a medicine will simply treat the existing condition, a healthy lifestyle can work to eliminate the problem completely, which is obviously a much more ideal situation.

The first thing that you can try to lower your numbers is onion juice. Powerful and potent, this stuff might seem a little bit smelly, but its acidic nature can work to battle your problem. It will work to clean out your blood and digestive tracts and can even regulate the heart action.

Soy products, oat bran, and sunflower seeds are three great foods that can lower your cholesterol. Do not overindulge in them, but make them part of your normal, balanced healthy diet and you will see a difference within weeks.

Another choice of home remedies for lowering cholesterol seems very simple, but is often hard for people to do: work to eat less of foods high in this harmful substance. Stay away from red meats, eggs, fatty cheeses, and butter, and you will definitely improve your health and the way you look and feel. Switching instead to a diet high in fiber and low-fat foods will make a huge difference in your numbers and a very happy doctor the next time you stop in for a check up.

High cholesterol is dangerous and it is crucial to control it at the earliest. To learn about supplements that can help lower cholesterol more naturally, Rajagopalan helps you to understand how this natural remedy can help control cholesterol.

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