Monday, December 27, 2010

How to Choose the Right Fish Pills to Get the Maximum Health Benefits

Like any nutritional product on the market today there are good and bad ones and fish pills are no exception. Here is a guide to help you find the most effective and pure ones available. The market for fish pills is huge and this has led to many poor quality oils that will offer little or no benefits at all.

The first thing to look at is the relative omega 3 fatty acid levels as these give you the health benefits. The two main types are called DHA and EPA and it is DHA that is responsible for the majority of the health rewards. I would recommend you get at least 270mg of DHA in each 1000mg capsule. You will find the average amount is only around 100mg at best, so check the website or label carefully. To get the benefits these amazing natural oils provide like lower cholesterol, lowering of high blood pressure, prevention of heart attacks and strokes, greatly enhanced brain health and prevention of cancers, you need lots of DHA.

Many people complain of fishy burps and regular repeating and this is very common. The reason for this is stale oil disguised with flavouring or enteric coatings. These are common tricks used to cover up the taste but will offer little benefits and cause the fishy burps. You can check your fish pills by cutting them open and you may be surprised to learn that there should only be a faint ocean aroma and nothing else or the oil is rancid. To ensure all the toxins like mercury and arsenic have been removed, a molecularly distilled oil is best. This process separates out the contaminants from the oil and concentrates it for more omega 3.

At the moment, the best fish is the New Zealand Hoki as it has very little contamination due to the fact it lives in one of the most pristine oceans on earth. This species is also very high naturally in DHA fats.

Regarding price, bad fish oil supplements are not necessarily cheaper and most are actually much more expensive, some over $40 for a month's supply while a good one can be had for less than $20 a month.

If you follow these tips, you should be able to select the right fish pills with confidence and can soon be reaping the many health rewards with none of the associated risks. If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA omega 3 supplements I personally take, visit my website below.

Discover the best fish pills available today.

Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of the amazing health benefits of quality fish oil. Take a moment to visit his site now at and discover the latest DHA omega 3 supplements that he recommends after extensive research.

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