The good news is that natural cholesterol lowering remedies are free. The bad news is that they can also be difficult to implement. This is because fairly radical lifestyle changes are involved that none of us find easy to achieve.
Forget about the story the pharmaceutical companies are trying to sell you. Bad cholesterol is not caused by a lack of some chemical in your body. It is caused by lifestyle choices such as eating too much of the wrong foods. Or, not exercising sensibly. An intelligent person such as yourself knows that to be true. As they say, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Right? No amount of chemicals will fix the problem unless you attend to these issues as well.
Come on now, lets be honest with each other. You just had the thought run through your mind; here we go again, he's going to tell me I have to start eating all those no flavor cardboard foods. Well, not so fast my friend.
Changing your diet doesn't mean that you have to give up on your favorite foods. You just have to change the proportion that they make up of your total food intake, and pay attention to how they are prepared. This can save you money as well as, wait for it; actually improve their flavors. Yes it's true, you might find that you enjoy them even more.
Next time you feel like having a few fatty lamb chops fried in their own drippings, and of course, we got to have a big old pile of french frys on the side, think again. That's about the worst meal you can have, but it doesn't mean you have to starve.
How about we cut the fat off of one chop, grill it on a wire rack so the fat drains off, and serve it with mashed potato and a green salad. Now that wasn't to bad was it? You'll even find the true flavors come through better. You also won't have heartburn or a bad night to follow.
OK, now for the exercising part. No, you don't have to run the the gym every day. My how we jump to conclusions. How about after your healthy meal, you did make it healthy didn't you, don't just lay around on the couch with the remote. Instead take the dog or just yourself for a gentle walk around the neighborhood. Enjoy feeling your food and emotions settle into an easy going mode. Admit to yourself that a lifestyle change is not unpleasant and not impossible either.
Above everything else, make sure you enjoy your new lifestyle. If you find yourself not looking forward to the natural cholesterol lowering remedies you are following, think again. What's the alternative, living on chemical pills the rest of your life? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that's not for you, you wouldn't be reading this article if it was. Anyway didn't your doctor tell you, even if those drugs do lower your cholesterol, if you ever stop taking them it will go right back up again. You deserve better.
Don't just eat things because they are good for you. Eat them because you also like them. The same applies to exercise. Do it because you enjoy doing it. There are enough exercise routines around to ensure something to suit everyone.
While there may not be a boat-load of Natural Cholesterol Lowering Remedies, there are many more than you may realize. Why not give yourself a chance at a chemical free life.
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